Have egg sales declined more than usual?


Feb 10, 2022
The grocery stores I sell to have either cut egg orders by half or stopped ordering. The clerks say that customers are struggling right now with inflation and tax season, moreso than the typical lull after Christmas. They also said that regular large egg prices jumped from (as I recall) $2.50 to $4.50 since last December.
Any Intel from your area?
Frankly I am thinking of winding down my chicken egg operation and focusing on genetic hackle chicks, duck eggs, and quail eggs. Chicken eggs seem like they are a commodity and are the least profitable of all the small farming activities.
So northern Michigan I saw pasture raised for $6 and the white commercial eggs at Walmart are about $2.75-$3. I sell mine at $2 or less I suppose I could charge more because pasture raised but nah the egg money is nothing compared to selling food itself I just love birds
The last time I looked, the "cheap" eggs were still under $2/dozen at Meijer in Lowell, MI. The egg stand I drive by still lists "farm fresh eggs" for $4/dozen.

My back-of-the-envelope math tells me that my eggs cost about $3.25/dozen, going by the price for the birds' feed. I don't sell any of them; I give some away and water glass the surplus.

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