Have i got a micro duck?

1 she is a BEI
2 duck food i add vitamins
3 the first two i took yesterday
the others i took about a week ago
1 she is a BEI
2 duck food i add vitamins
3 the first two i took yesterday
the others i took about a week ago

Sorry but duck food didn't clarify much, are you feeding her purina starter grower, dumor starter grower, purina flock raiser, offbrand chick starter, etc. ??
Hmm, interesting. Cute, hope she does good for you.
1 she is a BEI
2 duck food i add vitamins
3 the first two i took yesterday
the others i took about a week ago

Sorry but duck food didn't clarify much, are you feeding her purina starter grower, dumor starter grower, purina flock raiser, offbrand chick starter, etc. ??
Hmm, interesting. Cute, hope she does good for you.

an off brand duck starter food
Sorry but duck food didn't clarify much, are you feeding her purina starter grower, dumor starter grower, purina flock raiser, offbrand chick starter, etc. ??
Hmm, interesting. Cute, hope she does good for you.

an off brand duck starter food

Without knowing what your currently feeding it and the others, i would continue with the vitamins and give it a little extra protein, niacin, and thiamine. you should be able to find a small bag of manna pro gamebird starter that has a good balance of all those to help give her and extra boost. Niacin and thiamine deficiencies are common in ducks and while this certain case doesn't directly point at those, it won't hurt go ahead and feed the manna pro with it in it since it sounds like besides the crusted eyes, like chickensioux's mirco has, it is doing ok. If it develops further problems in the future a higher dosage of the two might be required.
an off brand duck starter food

Without knowing what your currently feeding it and the others, i would continue with the vitamins and give it a little extra protein, niacin, and thiamine. you should be able to find a small bag of manna pro gamebird starter that has a good balance of all those to help give her and extra boost. Niacin and thiamine deficiencies are common in ducks and while this certain case doesn't directly point at those, it won't hurt go ahead and feed the manna pro with it in it since it sounds like besides the crusted eyes, like chickensioux's mirco has, it is doing ok. If it develops further problems in the future a higher dosage of the two might be required.

thank you i will do what you have said thats why i love this forum
Awe cute little ducky, I also had a duckling called Ming Ming, I didnt realise in time that he was very very ill, he had been outside and ended up with pnemonia. Keep your little one warm and it will need heaps of extra attention, micro ducks are so frail at times and they cant handle the cold at all, The very best of luck to you ill be following this thread as its very close to my heart seeing another duckling called Ming Ming, you are in the best hands here, the people on this forum are AMAZING and so very kind. Ill also add that my Ming Ming had tiny feathers like a newborn duckling, he is 3 months old in these pics, he had tiny undeveloped wings, oh if i could have him back i would have done everything differently.

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oh so sorry you lost ming ming can i ask what would you have don differently i only ask because you have been through this
shes my fav. duck and i just want to do my best
at the mo shes still going bold she still has her down coat
every time i hatch a new bunch i have to put ming ming with them lol
they keep out growing her
and your right she really feels the cold
she screams her heart out when i have to give her vitamin drops and then gives me the stink eye with her crusty eye lol
I would have not let Ming Ming go outside unless the weather very warm and possibly limit the ammount of water he had, i didnt get him to a vet soon enough when first signs of illness became apparent. also i would have got some vitamins if i had known of them for ducklings. every case is different, i let Ming Ming go outside with his family a second time as he would cry and cry when he heard them outside and i felt so bad for him but thats what got him sick, he was once again left behind by the flock and he got too cold overnight and fell very ill and did not recover, to this day i feel that if i hadnt let him outside he would have survived. you can only try and see what works for you.

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