have we talked about the new KFC double down sandwich? (w/ picture)

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that sounds good too.
god, i love fast food..we never ever get to eat it though because of the cost (it costs 20 bucks just to get something off the dollar menu even) and everything but as soon as my last child is grown, i will be living off of pizza and cheeseburgers!
Are you kidding,that's why 50% of americans are huge and dying from heart attacks,Diabeties and other stuff. That stuff would cause massive damage to your body~
I'm getting cottage cheese on my bum just looking at that picture. A sodium nightmare................31 grama of fat maybe more. that's gross~~~~~~
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i still think that a lot of the panic over the so called obesity epidemic is propaganda...there is money to made over causing mass hysteria. like cigarettes for example. if they are so horrible (which i wont argue that they arent) and so bad for your health, then why is the government willing to allow them to be sold? because they are making tons of money from the taxes. if they simply banned them, there goes their money. they dont care about your health, they want your cash. i imagine it will be the same thing with this.
i would rather die with freedom, than be healthy and live forever under government strong arm tactics.
please,you control what you put in your mouth! You wanna kill yourself, i would never stop you but come on!!! Cancer kills, fat people are a healthcare crisis and no matter what the goverment says, you can choose to NOT smoke or eat like a cow .......or a cow LOL

And if that sounds mean, oh well!
actually we should be a little ashamed that we can go out and buy this sort of food.

im not. every day that i can go to the store that is air conditoned and clean and purchase fresh vegetables, meat, dairy products, whatever i need..i realize how lucky we all are. so many people do not have that luxury. the problem i think with a lot of the thinking that is popular these days is that we have too much free time and too much comfort, that we look for problems that dont exist to fill some sort of void. i assure you that families in hiding from the latest civil war to rock their country arent out petitioning for their special interests groups..they are just hoping that they arent blown away in the coming days. so yes, i am very thankful.
I agree with Sillystunt, I am always amazed at "the next big thing" the fast food people put out.Just more calories and fat to clog your arteries and kill you.

There is a direct correlation between eating this fast food regurlarly and drinking soda and gaining weight.

ONE meal at most fast food places (like a #3 or #4 special) is enough calories for the DAY and most people eat it in a MEAL.It is no wonder we are a nation of obese diabetics!!! And diabetes is a HUGE issue for your health.

No one ever talkes about that when discussing health care.I don't care if they put a 25% sin tax on soda and twinkies and fast food.Maybe THEN it would slow consumption.

Okay off my soap box now. And yes I already ran my 3 miles today and I am NOT a granola eating health fanatic.I would like to THINK I am moderate.
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