have we talked about the new KFC double down sandwich? (w/ picture)

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I think lower income people are running from place to place, doing the best they can and they don't have the time to find out what they can do differently. Every day they can feed their kids, anything, is a good day.

They don't realize that quinoa is a complete protein with 8 amino acids that will cook in 15 minutes. Add a can of rinsed black beans, some frozen corn, a chopped bell pepper and some onion and throw on a lime vinegrette and they could eat like kings, healthy and for cheap.

They don't know those things.

Remember in the movie, "To Sir With Love" how Sidney Poitier threw out the school books and taught them to be adults, because they didn't have those skills? He brought in the makings for a healthy salad they could make themselves so they could eat healthy for cheap.

Do they teach that in school now?

Ummmmm, no. Are the parents that are raising the lower income kids teaching them these skills? Ummmm, no. Read from the top and repeat.

Circles and Cycles, cycles and circles, things that we've all seen before.....
maybe they simply like fast food. and anyways, its no healthier for a millionaire to eat fast food than a poor person. when people start thinking that what we eat should be regulated, than we might as well kiss it all goodbye or get ready to pay out the whatever for it.
That whole low income stuff is crud! they are LAZY, food on the go~ I was a single mother for 11 years, no support and could barely feed myself and daughter. I made to much for assistance and i never feed her that stuff. I would get some crazy ideas but they worked. I mean mac and cheese with a can of tuna and peas 2-3 bucks and feeds 3-4. Raman noodles with a can of chicken and carrots 2-3 bucks,feeds 2-3. It can be done
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you would need a decent amount of money to actually live off of it.

Not really (but it should be)...a friend of mine eats it every single day for two meals..he's not fat by any means either (he works all day every day pretty much) but he shops off the $1.00 menu every day (a burger and a fry) and he spends 30-40 bucks a week (food only...he drinks water at home) and he doesn't shop at the grocery store at all. It's going to kill him eventually but for now he's young and he's not so smart but he says its way cheaper doing it that way.
He said he only needs two meals a day with fast food because it fills him up
Not really (but it should be)...a friend of mine eats it every single day for two meals..he's not fat by any means either (he works all day every day pretty much) but he shops off the $1.00 menu every day (a burger and a fry) and he spends 30-40 bucks a week (food only...he drinks water at home) and he doesn't shop at the grocery store at all. It's going to kill him eventually but for now he's young and he's not so smart but he says its way cheaper doing it that way.
He said he only needs two meals a day with fast food because it fills him up

yeah, but its his personal choice..life is about quality, not quantity and i wouldnt want the government defining my quality of life.
rich, poor, lazy, fat whatever. they eat a lot of crappy food and adding a sandwich to the menu that replaces the bread with fried chicken is not helping.
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