Have you ever wondered "Where did all these chickens come from?!?!"

My husband says, "If you know how many you have, you don't have that many!" He's usually talking about cattle though because it is a way of not giving someone your business when you'd rather keep it private. I used that line one time and the person said, "Wow! You have THAT many?!"

As for the "Where did all these chickens come from?" I had that thought once. I started out with 11. I adopted 7 from a friend who was no longer able to keep them due to a new city ordinance where she lived. By then I had given away 2 roosters, so I had 16 birds! Trying to count them before they went to roost was crazy. I had to go by how many of each color or pattern!!! I'm back down to 11 right now, but when I told Hubby that I wanted 8 more hens and that I would give my extra roo to his dad, he said, "Go ahead and get 10 in case one or two of them doesn't make it."
I have enough room for 24 birds in my coop.
I have some new chicks hatch last night and today.

I was standing looking in the pens today trying to count up the bantie crosses I have growing out in there. I tell you, it's futile! I need to sell some and need to count them so see how many I have, decide how many to keep and know how many I'm selling. At the moment it would be a guess at best!
I started my chicken adventure in August. I was only going to get 8 buff orpingtons, but one week after they arrived I had 5 cochin, that I had to have, on the way! Well I lost 2 cochins as chick and sold 2 that barely had feathering on their feet! Then I fell in love with silkies so now I have 6. I sold my mean Buff orp roo and his fav hen. The got 3 blue laced red wyandotte boy, only kept 1! Now in my brooder, I have 3 salmon faverolles, 3 EEs, 5 bantam cochins, 2 buff orps, and 8 naked necks(which I'm selling)

Mom talking grandma: she has a few, I think maybe 15 now…
Grandma: 15!!! I thought she was only getting 8!?!
Me: well actually………its more like 35………
Mom: silence
Grandma: WHAT?
Mom: o……well……its your money.
Hahaha! I'd never tell them how many is really there, my mom asked a while back and I just said "Quite a few".

She'd probably die if she visited and saw how many chicks are growing out.
Now that I've been living in my home in the Foothills for a few months, I have added more to my "quite a few" chickens. Added ducks and a pair of geese, hatched some more in incubators and a couple of hens helped by hatching some of their own "for the good of the flock."

Still more than I will count. Guessing it's around 60-70 fowl now. They have a huge coop (former dilapidated garage) and range freely over the entire .62 acre.
Mine aren't free ranging yet, they'd be snacks for something if I let them out on the paddock like I plan too. I'm also kinda scared to let good broody hens out on a couple of acres of rough paddock (goats love their weeds) because with all the hidy holes I just know I'll have them setting all over the place.

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