Having geese while living on a large river?


8 Years
Mar 7, 2011
Raymond, NH

I would like to get some geese but am wondering if it's a good idea considering that I my house is located on a large river. Will the geese go to the river and leave? I have a fenced in back yard but they will be able to see the river. Also there are lots of wild Canadian Geese that live on our river, will this be a problem?

Thank you, any advice will be truly helpful!

I would like to get some geese but am wondering if it's a good idea considering that I my house is located on a large river. Will the geese go to the river and leave? I have a fenced in back yard but they will be able to see the river. Also there are lots of wild Canadian Geese that live on our river, will this be a problem?

Thank you, any advice will be truly helpful!
Most domesticated geese can not fly very high and if your fence is at least 4' high most likely they wouldn't be able to fly over it. Now you may have Canada geese land in your back yard for a free meal so you'd need to take that into consideration when building your geese their housing and where you put their food.
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no i doubt very much they would leave if they had been hand raised and grained each day and put up and night .

the problem i see would be stray cnada geese that followed yours to the grain feeder.

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