Having progressive pictures to help ID chicks

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I like this.... is everyone or anyone
still doing/following this?
Half-a-dozen: Yes, this project is literally just getting started! We are excited and are hoping lots of BYCers get involved by giving us pictures of the breeds mentioned through the link in my signature. Everyone is welcome to help us put this together.
Chicken boy,

For most of the breeds I didn't add any colors at all. I added light and dark brahmas just because they're more popular in the standard size and I didn't know if anyone would have buffs to contribute right off the bat. We can add any breed or color that we need to! Any colors that are there are ones that I figured would be easier to get as I was putting together the document.

Sure wasn't trying to exclude anyone

I also added a column for size, since so many of these breeds have both standard and bantam sizes, so as we're filling in the info we can put whether the pictures are of a bantam or standard.

I can join in, I'm getting 15 day olds in a month, RIR X Col. Rock, which seems to be in a few catalogs for the hatcheries around here, and I was curious myself as to what they'd look like growing up, so hopefully that helps someone else out!
The team that's working on the project is going to reformat the pictures so everything is as uniform as possible and then they will go up on the database. Eventually we should have thumbnails that open a larger picture, but I'm not sure exactly how and when that will happen.

I'll have to defer to the admin for that!


PS For those of us reformatting pics. Once they're cropped, flipped, resized, whatever we want to do to them photobucket makes it really easy to make thumbnails!
Please don't take me off the list, I'd like to continue to help as I have time. I just don't want to have y'all depending on extensive input, as my availability is limited. Overall, I only have a total of up to 1 hour or less a day for online enjoyment outside of work; and on some days that timeframe is whittled away to zero as other committments & hobbies take precedence. It just seemed that others have been able to put in much more time, I don't want to slow the project up but I do still want to help where I can.
Portia - We absolutely want you for one hour a day or one hour a week or one hour a month ... whatever you can offer that doesn't mess you up in other areas of life. Thanks so much for your help.

Portia, hopefully you'll stick around! Even if you don't have time to format pictures or anything we could definitely use your input. The more minds the better is how I look at with a project like this!

We've only really had a few people beyond us offer photos. I've mentioned the database in the chat room a couple of times, but I don't know if there's a better way to advertise this?

Maybe I'm just expecting too much too soon

I don't know if Admin can send a PM to everyone or something?

We also need to figure out how we want to format the photos we receive. I really like the black background with the age as a title, like the samples posted near the beginning of this thread, but that's just me

We also need a standard size that we will use, file type (jpg?), direction the bird will be facing, etc.. Suggestions?????

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