Having progressive pictures to help ID chicks

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My first visit to your site and I have been reading about the progressive picture project. Maybe this is a dumb question but many people refer to all the breeds they own, do they keep the breeds separate so when they have chicks they are sure to be "purebred" or will the pictures be of crossbreeds? I ordered eggs online,hatched 2...one silkie, one?. Recently bought 8 silkie chicks,not at all sure of breeding. Does that mean you would not want pictures of them? Thanks
We don't need the chicks to be show quality, for sure! So we would love to have pictures of your silkies!

As far as pictures of chicks that we know are "mutts". . . I would personally like to have a section of the database devoted to this, but I think that's way down the road. I think we'll have more than enough work cut out for us with pure breds at the moment
I have been working on editing photos of all of the chicks that arrived last week.

I've gotten through the ones I know the breed for sure. I'm leaving the unidentified rooster pictures for another day (but it's time to take pictures again tomorrow or monday!!).

They don't have a background or anything on them, not a standard size, but you can see what I did as far as cropping and such. I didn't have them all facing the same way. Flipping some of them makes it look funny at times, so I left them as is for now.


PS - the pics that are posted are buff orps, standard cochins, and a bunch of ameraucana colors.
We've gone pretty dead on this thread lately!

I have tons of pictures from my birds that I'm working on!

If anyone else has pictures send em over!!! I also hope everyone will enter the breeds they'll have pictures for in the google docs site, or PM me and I'll get you entered. I think we'll probably want to start soliciting for photos soon so people have time to take pictures over the summer.

Once fall hits I bet people will slow down on chick raising, at least where it gets cold!

I was also wondering whether it would be worthwhile having a color section. We could do either a general color area or have pics of adult birds of the different colors with each breed, at the bottom of the page after the chick(s) of that breed have "grown"


Yes, definitely we should have a color section of each of the breeds.

kbobulski, you and guitartist were going to work on getting the actual pages together that we will link to for people (am I remembering that right?), how's that coming?

I'm getting a bunch of pictures together. I can only upload photos on one computer here and I haven't had time to get them on photobucket yet. I hope to this coming week.

I agree that most people won't have chicks coming up through the fall and winter so we do need to continue to mention this thread and having people take pictures of their chicks.
Guitartists and I are working on formating the photos the way we want them. As far as creating the actual pages that they will go on we will need Nifty's help for that. Depending on how she builds the pages on BYC guitartist and I may or may not be able to actually build the pages once we get the space to put them. We may have to give the final pics to Nifty and let her put them up, it just depends on how things are set up as far as page building.

So hopefully everyone who is already on board can let us know what breeds they are taking pictures of by the end of the weekend.

Then maybe we should look at our list, figure out what breeds we're missing that we definitely want, and start asking people for photos?

Since guitartist and I are going to be knee deep in photos for a while (hopefully!) can someone else head up soliciting for photos? The BYC breeders list would probably be very helpful for that.

I think it would be helpful to have a link to the progressive pics cheat sheet somewhere in the main index of the site - like from the learning center or breeds. I was trying to come back to this thread, and it took me a while to remember how to find it.
This thread is "sticky" at the top of the "what breed or gender is this" forum, which helps, but maybe Nifty can add a link somewhere else as well to help people find it.
kbobulski - sounds like you and guitartist are doing fantastic! Thanks so much. Nifty will be more than happy to help when you need HIS
help. You can PM him and let him know what you need.

I will start asking people for help with specific breed pictures.
Thanks for the clarification

I'll PM him about page layout.

Does someone want to work on a color list by breed? We should be able to get that sort of thing up and running pretty quickly if some of the regular BYCers will let us use their pics.

That way the page could be, for example:

(maybe some basic info here)
Day old Pullet Pic - Buff
Week old Pullet Pic - Buff
Day old Roo Pic - Buff

A note saying more pictures coming as these chicks grow!

Then a list of colors in the breed and pictures of an adult for each when available.

I would love to have basic info on each breed, too. But that's another project. I'm up for working on it now if others are too. We would basically need to figure out what info we wanted to include, where we were getting it, and then get it collected and organized somewhere where we can load it onto the pages as we get to them.

Or we can just leave that part for a later time. What's the general concensus???
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