Having progressive pictures to help ID chicks

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I like what you have going as far as info on the pic
Thanks for the enlargement
I think that so long as the size of the background is uniform... we can have a little more or less black and it will be fine
With cropping we should be able to keep it pretty close

I think the submitters name should go either under or up along the side like they do in magazines.
I'm glad you reminded us about wanting to be able to search for information to find the breed of Mystery chicks.

We will want to figure out how to do that. Calling Nifty!!!!

The info will be in a googledoc spreadsheet. Could we somehow have the column for that breed displayed on the page, then people could move to birds with a similar characteristic, or do a search?

Or is this something we shoudl tackle once the pages are up and running.

Do you kids ever sleep?

Things are looking really good. I do like Guitartists white printing on black background, my DH agreed also.

I think we should have the Breed clearly visible on the picture. Other than that we can include the contributor and/or sex and/or age also or just let the people click on the picture to get into the rest of the info.

I agree that getting the pages up and running sooner than later is the best idea. We can then go back and add or tweak them.

I think that once people can see what we are doing they will be more willing to jump in and help with pictures also.
Do my kids ever sleep, not really

Actually I've been up a lot, stressed with a child support hearing, car accident, and a wedding my daughter is in! Talking chickens is a nice distraction

I LOVE guitartists frame. I think your suggestion is a great compromise. Have the breed name in the frame. Then they can click on the image and the larger image has age, sex, color, and contributor on the page. I'm not sure how to set up the link so someone can click on the thumbnail and get a larger page.

Maybe we could have as well (or instead) a link where people could click to see larger pictures on one page. "Watch this Pullet grow" Watch this Rooster Grow" "see the breed colors" And then the page would have larger images from each category with the info on each picture as text.

Thoughts? That way people on dial up can click each photo individually to enlarge. Those of us that want all the pics at once and our computers can handle it can click the link to see it all on one page.

OK, I have 3 2 week old chicks running around my dining room. I was putting off moving them to the barn cause I haven't had time to band them. UGH. Guess I'd better go do that. Then I gotta clear off the table so I can wrap the wedding present. And I should probably take a shower and do my nails at some point

As soon as I have the time I would LOVE to draw up some mock pages of how I myself would like it to be... LOL
Then we can play with the ideas from there and see what everyone likes and agrees is best. I like to see things to understand them. Text is great for all of the extra stuff... but I am a visual person
You go girls! I can offer my suggestions to what you two come up with...I'm so grateful that you are both here and so willing to do all this work.



Ok... here is my mock site...... Pay no attention to colors etc... I just threw it together with parts from my other site
LMAO Only A, Araucana and Search links work. Search does NOT work... it is just a mock-up. I have no idea how to make it work...LOL


Please give me feedback!

oh, and i forgot to add leg color!
And egg color and ear lobe color LOL
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