Having second thoughts on pekin ducks

Count duckulas

In the Brooder
May 18, 2020
Looking at getting 3 pekin ducks in our home garden but finding conflicting infomation on how loud these actually are. Don't particularly like Muscovy ducks (please don't judge) 🤷‍♂️ surely 3 peking won't make a tremendous amount of notice??? Would cambel be a better alternative do you think or not a great deal in it
Not very loud unless they panic. Some people get their ducks to imprint on them, then the ducks make a lot of noise when their "mommy" leaves them outside. Or if you only have one duck, it will quack constantly because it doesn't have a flock. As long as life is relaxing, you're not going to hear much from them.
My Pekin clucks more than she quacks. Our K/C is our loudest duck. That is how I knew something was wrong last week when I heard the Pekin quacking when the snake bit the K/C.
Looking at getting 3 pekin ducks in our home garden but finding conflicting infomation on how loud these actually are. Don't particularly like Muscovy ducks (please don't judge) 🤷‍♂️ surely 3 peking won't make a tremendous amount of notice??? Would cambel be a better alternative do you think or not a great deal in it

I don’t think you can really say what you are going to get quack wise just by breed. I have several different breeds and it differs from bird to bird. I’d say my quietest are the rouens actually, but I only have 2 of those so it’s not to say some others won’t be talking all the time. Males will always have a softer sound than females, but they also might use their voices more often.
I have Pekins and 1 male, 4 females. The ladies can be loud when they want to. They will sound the alarm when something is a miss in the back yard, like a snake. Or when they want something like being let out at 6 am or it’s treat time. But my one female, Miss Chance is soooo much louder then the rest. Just this morning I told she’s way too loud for 6:30 in the morning!!!! She just likes to walk around shouting orders to the others or me:th
Looking at getting 3 pekin ducks in our home garden but finding conflicting infomation on how loud these actually are. Don't particularly like Muscovy ducks (please don't judge) 🤷‍♂️ surely 3 peking won't make a tremendous amount of notice??? Would cambel be a better alternative do you think or not a great deal in it
I currently have two Pekins, male and female, but used to have five. The loud ones are normally the females since they have a loud bark like quack, but the males tend to be a lot quieter. My suggestion is to get three males unless you want to hatch some eggs in the future. If you do want to hatch, then I would suggest you get two females and a male to avoid males fighting over the female. Hope this helped!

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