Having trouble keeping Turkeys at home.


8 Years
Apr 7, 2011
Northern Pennsylvania
I have three free range Narragansett's. Two hens and a tom. I got them as adolescents and have had them for about 5 months. I live out in the country on five acres. On three sides of me there are hundreds of acres of fields and woods. On the other side of me is my only neighbor about 400 yards away through the woods. My problem is the turkeys have started going to visit the neighbor now that the snow is gone. I have chickens in a run that the turkeys like, they roost on top of the chicken coop. I feed them at the chicken coop and have started throwing feed near the house to try to keep them here. How do I get them to stop visiting the neighbors short of closing them up?

Any ideas would be appreciated.
I have no advice but I'm interested in what others may suggest because I'll likely be facing the same problems when my turkeys are all hatched/out of the brooder. We have 15 acres but the property is really narrow and deep. The neighbors to the west of us are actually quite close.
I keep my Narragansetts with my chickens. They think that they are part of the flock and won't go anywhere without the rest of the crew. I let the whole bunch free range together inside a 3' high snow fence. Nobody has ever wandered.

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