Hawaii vet learning about chickens


6 Years
May 17, 2017
South Kona, Hawaii
Aloha from Hawaii island! Thank you BYC for the educational information! "Real life" experiences from users have proven very helpful for me to care for my own hens and a few friends. It's hard to find vet information for pet chickens since most resources are for large-scale operations. All of my girls have names and some even come when called :)
:welcome We're happy to have you here. I'm in the same situation, where I live there are no resources for small flocks, and BYC has helped me a lot. I'm sure you will love it here. And we would love to hear all about your experiences and see pictures of your girls!
Learning through experience (and BYC)! I have some older girls who have developed ascites (some of which have passed away), I've dealt with sour crop, broken toes, and dog trauma. I'm amazed at how hardy these girls are! Some recover against all odds! Started with adults, then pullets last year, and this week just got some day old chicks for next year's eggs. All are pets.
Hello there and welcome to BYC! :frow

Yes, they sure can learn their names! Smart birds. I have a few that will come when called, super sweethearts.

Unfortunately there aren't many vets out there skilled in avian medicine, but you have come to the right place because we are loaded with knowledgeable members that can help with all kinds of emergencies! Definitely stop by our Emergency section if you need assistance.

Great to have you aboard and welcome to our roost! :)

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