hawk attack lockdown


Feb 1, 2022
Hello everyone! Wanted to get your thoughts on the duration of post-hawk attack lockdown. This is the first (albeit 2 consecutive back-to-back attacks) since we got the flock.

We had the flock since spring of last year. They are located in a very deeply wooded + shaded area. Their living arrangement consists of solid wood coop that we lock up at night, an adjoining fully enclosed covered run protected by chicken wires that's openable to the free ranging area, and a much larger free ranging area protected by electric wire.

We had 2 hawk attacks in the past 2 days. First attack was successful... lost my roo, but all girls were safe. Second attack was interrupted when I heard the commotion. Both cases they were red tailed hawks. The hawk didn't get a chance to eat anything yet.

Now however my girls are locked up between the coop and the enclosure, and I'm too worried to let them out into the free ranging area.

Do you know how long hawks tend to stick around after multiple attacks?
I'm located in southern CT, about half hour out from New Haven. Hawks are definitely local to our area! Our house is located pretty deep in the forest.

Our guess is that during the summer time, the tree canopies probably shielded the flock from hawks (hawks don't fly IN the forest, do they?). However now with the trees barren, the chickens are getting attention from unfriendly eyes.
Thanks everyone.

I've not (previously) intended to keep the chickens in the enclosure long term - the enclosure was meant for when we (humans) were out from house and needed to keep poultry safe behind 2 layers of defense (electric + physical barrier). However now as a necessity I need to improve the condition of the enclosure: french drain + thick layer of mulch.

This is frustrating - it's impractical to hawk-proof the the entire free range area, yet feels bad to lock up the girls unless I'm around.

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