Hawk Attack - Missing Hen


7 Years
May 8, 2012
Mississippi Gulf Coast
DH heard the rooster making a racket so went to see what was going on - found a hawk attacking our rhodebar. Chased it off - happened so fast he doesn't know if the hawk was carrying anything. Now we are missing our other hen - an 8 month splash English Orp. Lots of her feathers on the ground near the attack site but we can't find her anywhere.

She was a large bird - I would think that if a hawk had carried her off, it wouldn't have come back to attack the other hen. They don't hunt in pairs do they?
After coffee is made, I step out with coffee and bottle rockets in hand. Keeps the hawks at bay while my chickens are eating breakfast.
Hawks will sometimes hunt in pairs. Harris hawks of the desert Southwest will hunt in groups but with you living in the Mississippi gulf shouldn't have to worry about those. Hopefully she's just found a good hiding spot.

Sorry for your loss!
Thank-you marktoo. The missing girl came be-bopping out from under the house a couple of hours later like nothing had happened. The little red hen perked up a lot once her friend reappeared but she is not doing great. I suspect that she has lost an eye and is in some shock. We don't see any other injuries but need to do a full inspection. For now we are moving her into the house where she will be warmer. She is drinking and eating, so that's a good sign.

You're welcome. Hopefully she'll make a full recovery & be a whole lot wiser.
Glad to hear the other one was just hiding.
Comb is pale and flopped over. We can't find any wounds, although we didn't look at every square inch so may have missed small puncture wounds. She is drinking and has a full crop and is opening her injured eye a little although she is mostly keeping it closed.

She doesn't look good but I don't see any reason for her not to make a full recovery.

Perhaps she had always thought herself an eagle....yesterday she came to the realization that she is only a chicken. Quite a shock for one of such high self-esteem, probably a bit depressed. In a few days her spirit will soar once more because she is among the ranks of the few, the proud, the chickens that have survived a hawk attack, lived to tell about it & be all the wiser for it.

Nah, she's just a bit sore.
Sounds like she will pull through. Pretty hen!
Both eyes are open this morning and tail is up, so back to the coop for her. A good lesson for her, and the babies who were safe in the coop but who witnessed the attack. No more free ranging until I get electronet up (lucky that the foxes haven't found the coop yet) and figure out my rooster situation.
After coffee is made, I step out with coffee and bottle rockets in hand. Keeps the hawks at bay while my chickens are eating breakfast.
Welcome to BYC! I'm sure your chickens appreciate you riding herd on them while they feed their faces so they don't become something else's meal.

Both eyes are open this morning and tail is up, so back to the coop for her. A good lesson for her, and the babies who were safe in the coop but who witnessed the attack. No more free ranging until I get electronet up (lucky that the foxes haven't found the coop yet) and figure out my rooster situation.
Glad to hear she's dong well.

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