Hawk attack!

Poor little girl! I hope that she's just still shaken from the attack and that there isn't anything else too wrong with her.
Also, welcome to BackYard Chickens! We hope that you have a good time and can find help here.
Good luck with your birds, and may God bless you.
Thank you :) This was a great find for help, books only go so far. I hope that is just the shock.
Hi and welcome to BYC :D! I've never personally dealt with a hawk attack survivor, but in my experience with dog attacks internal injuries are common when they don't get up after a few days. Is she pooping? Is her crop emptying completely at night?
I say give her some time, but if she doesn't get better after a week or so it might just be better to euthanize :(

Good luck and I hope she gets better! :hugs:fl

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