Hawk attack???


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 9, 2009
I came home today and found one of my brs dead. Most of her neck was missing but nothing else had seemingly been touched. Is this the signs of a hawk attack?
Yes. Or you interrupted the culprit mid-meal. Hawks can cause a terrible amount of waste, though, so I am an inclined to say hawk.

Sorry for your loss.
I came home a month ago to my favorite rooster without his head or neck (he died defending a hen who was badly injured but I was able to save her, she's doing great)..a week before that I actually caught a huge Red Tail Hawk on top of one of my hens...scared him away and she came away with a very minor cut. She was pretty lucky.
I read on a few sites if the head and neck are gone and only one bird is dead, it's most likely a hawk.
This time of year they are migrating, I have seen tons of hawks this fall. I love them but I just wish they'd leave my chickens alone. Sorry you lost one of yours too!
Thanks guys, your a real help. I'll make sure to keep an eye out.
and sorry about your rooster. I have a one of a kind rooster that's as gentle as they get, and it would kill me to lose him, so I sympathize with your loss.
Chinito was such a cool rooster, I totally miss him. He was the sweetest cochin boy, never bit and always watched over his hens. I hope you can keep the hawks at bay...I wonder if we could put something like a scare crow in our yards to scare off the hawks....or maybe a fake owl?? Anyone ever tried this?
One thing that helps if you free range and have hawks in the area is to be sure you have plenty of 'hiding areas' for your flock.

My girls tend to hang out near vehicles, trailers, barn and feed room (they can go under it) areas. If Reggie Roo sounds the alarm, they literally disappear.

We have several pairs of broad wing hawks were we live and so far the only loss' that I had were biddies running around (now have a brooder pen) and adults to coons.
That's really neat! Did you just use rope?
What a cool photo-

I do have plenty of hiding places, but I still lost that rooster because I think the rooster attacked the hawk when the hawk went after his hens.
I also lost a few silkies to raccoons, those are pesky critters! But now my coop is very sound and no more raccoons.
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