Hawk Frustration

TN Chick Mom

Apr 25, 2022
I'm so frustrated. We knew there were hawks in our area (one hung out on our deck 4-5 years ago), but we hadn't seen the in our immediate area for a while. I finally convinced the DH to let me get chickens and WTF. Boom. They are back. I've tried timing letting the girls out when I don't see them. But, they know. We have 1 red tailed that sits in the tree overlooking the coop. Tonight I went out after work (6:30pm) and there were SIX circling over head. They got one of the neighbor's young pullets not long ago. I won't have them getting mine. It just makes me sad for my girls and I feel bad for having to keep them caged. Next, the coyotes will be back. 😒

Rant over. Just sucks.


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Have you ever considered a chicken tractor? You have a lot of grass!
I haven't seen one that seemed big enough (we have 6), but will definitely look again. If we found some simple plans, we might could build it. We're trying to figure out a way to fence off more area for them but that visible grassy area floods terribly and we have hills on the other side (we're in a bit of a basin).
I haven't seen one that seemed big enough (we have 6), but will definitely look again. If we found some simple plans, we might could build it. We're trying to figure out a way to fence off more area for them but that visible grassy area floods terribly and we have hills on the other side (we're in a bit of a basin).
Youtube has some great chicken tractors they can live in year round.Adding wheels in the middle makes them easy to pull.The best part is the chicken are on new ground every time you move it and you don't have to clean a coop.You have a family of Hawks and aren't going to be able to free range sorry. Chickens love exploring and a tractor can be very safe.
I haven't seen one that seemed big enough (we have 6), but will definitely look again. If we found some simple plans, we might could build it. We're trying to figure out a way to fence off more area for them but that visible grassy area floods terribly and we have hills on the other side (we're in a bit of a basin).
Is your run predator proof ? A picture might help.
Yes, our run is predator proof - 2 layers of hardware cloth floor to ceiling with a skirt. I don't worry about them in there - only out of it.

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