Hawk Scare (pics of coop & chicks)


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 15, 2012
Concord, North Carolina
Yesterday a hawk landed on top of the run and all but 5 chicks ran back inside. The last 5 were in the corners frozen still and silent. I immediately shooed the hawk away and went down to check on them. They came out of the corner and the rest went inside except my 2 blonde silkies who can't figure out how to go inside the coop on their own to save their life (Any advice on that one too would be appreciated!). They exit the coop every morning with the rest but for some reason can't figure out how to go back...Anyway, everyone was back inside and I figured they needed a few hours to calm down and they were all laying in the corner in the coop as far away from the door as possible. I gave them frozen watermelon a few times and by the end of the night when the sun was setting I decided to maybe try to see if they'd come out in the run again. Stood there with frozen watermelon, a few came out but a minute later those ran back inside and wouldn't come back out. I closed the coop for the night not wanting to force them and figured this morning per routine they would come out like always and "recover" from the hawk scare. No such luck...
As you can see the run is half covered by a top to block shade. The hawk was on the far right corner.

The pic below was just taken a few minutes ago. Every morning I go down and open the door to let them out for the day in the run and they run on out and peck like crazy. They will go in and out throughout the day but usually spending the majority of the day outside. Because of the hawk scare they are just sitting at the door looking out. There are 14 total: 4 Silkies, 5 Bantams, and 5 Guineas. I'm not sure what to do?! The run is super safe and I'm sure it was traumatizing (The babies are all around 1.5-2ish months old) but how can I convince them to go out in the run again. They always are so excited to go outside and peck at grass and bugs so this is so weird for them. I thought a day later, they'd be better by now. Please help!!
That is a lovely coop and run! Sorry for the hawk problem. i wonder if the hawk has come back at times you didn't notice. i'm not sure how to get them over being afraid other than just giving them time. i'm wondering if it would be feasible to cover the entire top of the pen, so they wouldn't see a hawk if it came around. i've also read of people hanging cd's on strings to scare them away. If you ran a line from the peak of the coop to each far corner of the run, you could attach cd's at intervals. Although, that may scare your chickens, too.

On your silkies, if they have large crests, it may be hard for them to see the step up into the coop. i have several with very large crests in a pen with no more than an inch step into the coop. Even with that, i had to put a shallow step stone in front so they could make it inside. The other thing you can do with silkies to help is to trim the feathers right over their eyes. i have one i have to do this to every couple of months as she has a very large crest that flops down over her eyes.
I would give them a couple of days. I lost one hen to a hawk last spring and it was a week before my group would come out into their outside run and another week before they would go back out into the horse pen for their free ranging time. They'll get over the fear, it just takes some time.

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