The Duck Dad

Nov 7, 2020
Oconomowoc Wisconsin
As some of you know, I have a wood duck and I am getting her some friends. But recently I have had a duck hunter in the area- a red-tailed hawk. I wouldn't want to get some ducks and have them bond, but then a hawk eats them. the hawk has already eaten a few wild wood ducks, some right in my backyard!!! I've got a fence around her pond with strings running along the top of the fence to help keep the hawks out. would that be enough though to keep a big hawk out? I also have a small air gun that I use to scare the hawk away. ( I don't actually shoot the hawk, I just shoot blanks to make a loud sound to scare him off.) unfortunately, he has sort of gotten used to me scaring him, and he sits in a tree until I use the hose to spray him. do you have any suggestions about how to keep him away????

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