Hawks or vultures

Vultures. Usually when you see several there is something dead around.
It's hard to see from that picture but hawks usually hunt alone and vultures are always circling around prey in the sky.

So vultures
True, but may I correct you? :)

While hawks hunting alone is partially true, and that yes, they may be vultures, but hawks also gather in groups called kettles. Sometimes kettles will consist of multiple species of raptor or bird at one time. Not just vultures.
They didn't seem to go much for my chickens though which I thought was odd. But my little Niko seems to have his interest which I'm always watching him when he goes out.

I refuse to shoot the bird for sitting there mostly cause I doubt that's legal and he hasn't done anything yet to my dog
Now if he swoops then it's war
It is illegal to shoot a hawk for any reason unless you have a special permit. If you do shoot, don't get caught as it could cost you up $15,000!!!

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