Hawks? So What Do you Do?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 8, 2012
It upsets my stomach to think that people will buy livestock and feed it take care of it and then not protect it,,NO ONE should ever own animals or chickens they aren't will to protect.It irks me to think that the LAW MAKERS break laws themselves everyday,but when it comes to you & I we are expected to do "THE RIGHT THING" Just how many laws are being broken by our "Ellite" officials? I saw a Hawk flying over this morning and my mind filled with a rage I cannot describe.Larry
There needs to be a law passed,that simply states EVERY FARMER,RANCHER,OR Livestock owner will be expected to protect his or her livestock or face "Cruelty"charges!!
Well we have to accept that some animals are considered protected.Some more than others.Livestock animals are considered *less* Maybe it is because we mass produce them,and kill billions a year to eat.I suppose people feel that you can always buy more to replace those lost.

That reminds me of the wolves and farmers.Don't farmers get money when wolves(reintroduced in areas) kill their livestock? Ofcourse I bet they make it difficult for you to get that compensation money. To bad there is not something like that where you get compensated for polutry that protected raptors kill.Would probably have to have a video or picture of the deed in progress otherwise people would abuse the system like every other system.

Atleast there is the option of getting a hawk killing permit.Anyone on the board ever get a permot???

I kind of like seeing the hakws way up high in the sky.Magestic and all that,but shoot I like the turkey vultures more.They look cooler up high,and they don't kill my birds.
Larry, you are giving yourself a lot of stress over nothing.

A hawk flying overhead might not even be a threat. Very few species of hawks will kill chickens and the majority of hawks won't.

If you don't want your birds killed by predators, keep them in safe housing. If you allow them to wander free, something is going to kill some of them. Everything likes to eat chicken and there are dozens of types of predators out there, all happy to eat your birds.

So yeah. You should be required by law to protect your birds, which involves keeping them in safe housing and not expecting all your neighbors and all of Mother Nature to be responsible for keeping your poultry safe.
I agree,I just been used to letting my chickens run free on the farm,yea coyotes and fox I trap all the time even 12 months a year and keep their numbers low enough I don't have trouble with them,but had a hawk this morning that was flying circles over the chickens was what had me in a dither!! Thank you!! Larry
The hawk on our deck scared the daylights out of me. Hubby shooed him away and the rooster had all his hens backed up to the coop behind him and standing guard. I told hubby that I need to learn how to shoot. He told me that I can't shoot a hawk because they are protected. I told him that if it is on my land trying to kill my chickens the hawk will be buzzard food!
The hawk on our deck scared the daylights out of me. Hubby shooed him away and the rooster had all his hens backed up to the coop behind him and standing guard. I told hubby that I need to learn how to shoot. He told me that I can't shoot a hawk because they are protected. I told him that if it is on my land trying to kill my chickens the hawk will be buzzard food!
X2 S S S
Hawks fly over my free-range chickens daily. They feed off the abundant mice. Never has a hawk posed a threat to my flock.

I am eating chicken curry as I write this. Likely, this poor chicken had a miserable life and death.

My chickens have a great life. I have lost some ducks to foxes and one to a snapping turtle, however my single chicken loss was to a friend's dog. I reduced the turtles, but I was married to a professional foxhunter for 20 years. Chickens are kept on farms in my area to encourage foxes to stick around so they can be hunted. One of my neighbors killed himself trying to shoot chickens from a tree to feed the foxes.

I assure you, most predators kill much more humanely than humans.

I am not so anxious to control nature. I give my animals the best possible life I can. They reward me with their happiness.

You might be surprised at the natural balance that can be achieved among creatures. For example, the cat pictured here started life feral for 4 months and had to kill to survive. She kills squirrels and snakes larger than herself still. All my cats, dogs, chickens and ducks get along just dandy!


Larry, I know how you feel about hawks. I have lost 4 chickens to hawks this year. Now my chickens don't get to free range unless I am right with them. Doesn't seem right that the chickens are the ones paying the price to stay safe.
I am always puzzled when this topic comes up. If something is killing your chickens - you need to eliminate it. Dont talk about it - just take care of it.

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