

Nov 14, 2020
These hawks are horrible this year, they got my bantam Nadine, my sweet girl. They attack my chickens all the time, and yesterday got another bantam, Midnight but it was a juvenile, im hoping Midnight will live, it dropped her two times and thank God we saw it and ran out. Shes badly hurt and may lose her eye. Can someone please help me, any suggestions?
We don't free range for this reason. We never see squirrels or rabbits here because the birds of prey are everywhere. Ours live in a protected covered run 24/7. We plan to expand it this month.

I suggest covering the run you have like you stated above and figuring out a more solid covered run for the future. I don't think you can stop wild animals from looking for prey.
We thought she was going to die, she kept falling on her face and she was just so badly hurt. Today she is walking around but not quite right. I need some advice about these horrible hawks, theyre just horrible
I dont have a cover in their run other than under their house, they stay there a lot. Im going to get some chicken wire or something, at least put a tarp up so they have more room. But i just want to know how to deter them. I think i see some nests in the woods here by me, maybe if i take those down itll help.
Have you try to hang few old CD on the string around where the chicken hang out? Also playing the radio would help. The hawk don't like the noise and caution when the CD spin round-round.
The hawks have eaten at your place, they won’t stop visiting. Put a cover on the run, even some bird netting will work it doesn’t have to be a tarp or chicken wire.
Search the boards. There are hundreds of posts about hawks. But you have to be willing to put in the time and money. There is no one simple quick fix. There are numerous suggestions and some might work for you.

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