Hawks :(

Whether they were once "near extinct" or not red tails and Cooper's hawks now have the exact same conservation status as subway rats, look it up. They have the lowest status possible with regard to their numbers and if an "overprotected & thus overpopulated" status existed, that is what they would be. The law that protects them originated in 1916 and is still there only because nobody has made any real effort to update the species that may still need protection.

S.S.S. Do it without hesitation and most importantly without guilt. These killers are not endangered any more than the cockroach in your kitchen.
I'm thinking it would be nice if there was a part of the year that was open hawk hunting season. Kind of like dear hunting and other animal hunting. Sure we like the dear but too many is not good so for a season of the year hunters can help control the population.
I'm not suggesting that all hawks be forced into extinction but a bit of population control imo would be a great improvement.
I think if you just have "trees for cover" and are still worried about hawks taking your birds, you need to make up some kind of portable or totally enclosed structure to keep them in. That is really the only way to be safe. I've seen those videos of the hawks flying into coops. Eventually, they are going to figure out your chickens are running under trees.
At least that is what I do with my birdies.

Anyway, to say that hawks are endangered is just crazy. If they are, then the total population lives over my home in the spring/summer!!! They practically swarm our area!!! Eagles aren't endangered either.
I'm thinking it would be nice if there was a part of the year that was open hawk hunting season. Kind of like dear hunting and other animal hunting. Sure we like the dear but too many is not good so for a season of the year hunters can help control the population.
I'm not suggesting that all hawks be forced into extinction but a bit of population control imo would be a great improvement.
Most hawk populations are controlled on their own through lack of habitat. Only one hatched chick out of ten will make it to adulthood, the most prevalent reason for death is starvation. So, the hawk isn't after your chickens because they are evil, they are hungry. The only reason that they will go through a great deal of trouble to get to your chickens, i.e. going into a coop, hunting underneath trees and bushes is because they are starving. I find that when I keep a bird feeder out (away from the chicken pens) and attract birds that they like to eat (usually dove and pigeons) I don't see hawks hovering around my chicken coop.

I guess what I'm saying is that I try to make the chicken coop as unattractive of a hunting ground as possible and then provide a better hunting ground not too far away. So far, it works fairly well. Still lose a chicken or two, but I'm not sure what gets them (cat, dog, hawk).
Hi Ande, So sorry to hear about your loss of your favorite hen, I know what it feels like. Still hurts when I see pictures of my Minnie flash up on my computer screen when she was happy scratching around in the yard. Anways, I haven't had any more hawk attacks since we lost Minnie. I put up lots of reflective tapes that twirl in the wind, and CD's hanging from strings that will reflect in the sun from tree branches around in the yard. So far so good. The 4 girls I have left are darker colored hens, but Minnie was mostly white. This was the second time she was attacked by a Hawk, and lost her life the last time. I think the lighter colors attract the hawks too. Hopefully my little suggestion will help with deterring any more hawk attacks to the rest of your flock.
Hello Everyone,
We lost 7 of our Chicken to a Hawk. We used to let them free range all Day and put them in the coop at Night until the Attacks started. I knew that Keeping them in the Coop all Day wouldn't make them very happy so my Husband built a nice covered Run. We still let them Free Range but not every Day. I Believe it helps to mix things up, letting them Out at different times of the Day. We hung CD's on the Trees, they blow in the Wind and reflect in the Sun. We put a fake Plastic Owl on a Stick and put it near the Coop Entrance. We move it every couple of Days. This works for us but it's not a Guarantee that it will. Didn't have any more Attacks since then but keeping my Fingers crossed ;)
The plastic owl may do more harm the good.Hawks will attack owls in the wild which might draw them to your yard.I would keep an eye on it.
I had a hawk take one of my chickens when they were out free ranging. After that I built a 100 foot long pen to surround the coop and covered run. It's 5 foot high welded wire and I ran 50# test monofilament fishing line back and forth across the top of the run. It shines brightly in the sun and so it's highly visible from above. So far, so good. I also have a large oak tree in the pen that covers the coop and about 1/3 of the pen. It offers shade and an obstructed view of the coop area. I also have small things that they can get under if and of them or my rooster spots a hawk. Roosters are priceless in that respect.
That is true you Are going to lose birds accept it I being a licensed falconer in the state of California own a red tail any raptor if given the opportunity will go after a chicken or other bird you are keeping but the best way to solve that is not to take matters into your own hands and shoot the bird because you can be fined up to $25000 and spend 5 years in jail and its just plain messed up so the best way to deter raptors it's to put a cover over your chicken pens or if your free range just accept it and move on
I use heavy duty Poultry netting on my runs. I had lost quite a few rare chickens prior which infuriated me . Once the hawk decides to eat chickens it seems they just eat chickens.
I had actually called fish and game her about it and they had told me well its illegal but I can not tell you what to or not to do. Apparently you can get a permit though.
Red Tail and Coopers hawks are in no way rare now. I think the biggest issue is misidentification. Killing something like a Peregrine Falcon thinking it was a Coopers hawk.

Personally I think they are great to have around they keep the rat population down but it still stinks not being able to Free range them. Maybe keep larger animals around Like a aAlpaca or livestock Gaurdian dog. If the dog kills it ohwell.
You can also string heavy duty fish line 100 lb across the top of areas in a square pattern. If you take the time and loop it through it makes it hard for things to get through I had done this after my hawk issue. I had reflective tape up and still had him dive-bomb through and kill a chicken . It actually trapped him in there . Not sure how long but when I went to cut the line He actually was able to fly through it. The one thing though is that stopped him from getting my chickens. I am sure it scared the crap out of it. I did not feel bad as I had the tape on there. It worked. Any larger line it probably would of damaged the hawks . When we moved I decided to cover my runs with the heavy duty netting. This stuff is ultra strong and no bird would survive dive bombing through it. Hope they don't try either though as its expensive and hard to put up.

If you free range I would suggest looking at putting up T posts or lodge poles every 8 feet apart in a square pattern and cover it with this stuff. put coated wire from pole to pole and lay the netting on top. The chickens will learn that they are same under it from over head birds of prey.

Just my experience and opinions.
That is true you Are going to lose birds accept it I being a licensed falconer in the state of California own a red tail any raptor if given the opportunity will go after a chicken or other bird you are keeping but the best way to solve that is not to take matters into your own hands and shoot the bird because you can be fined up to $25000 and spend 5 years in jail and its just plain messed up so the best way to deter raptors it's to put a cover over your chicken pens or if your free range just accept it and move on
I am surprised they let people own hawks unless its injured and can not fly and kept for educational purposes. Don't get the falconer thing ,Just my opinion
I guess every one has there thing.

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