Hawks :(

just a touch it was able to get it loose and come in under where we had attached the netting to the wood support. It then flew out by flying right at the net and raising it just enough to get free.
OMG, that is so scary! I thought I safe covering an area with netting. That is unbelievable that it would hunt around for a loose place and creep in! I thought the visual of the netting would be enough! My girls are going to have to stay in the secure run for awhile. Yikes!
I am wondering if bring the netting all the way to the ground would solve the problem. It didn't actually break it, right?
It's hawk migration right now...lots of them heading south. Hopefully in a few weeks most of them will be further south until next spring, though some hawks do linger through the winter here in NH, and a few move in from further north. We have chicken wire covering the top of our run, and don't let them free range unless we are in the yard.
I lost a pullet to a hawk today too. Still shocked to find it, not to mention the effect on the rest of the flock mentally. Now to convince my DH that we need to install 6 ft fencing instead of the 4 ft, and then cover the top with poultry netting. For those of you who have installed the poultry netting overhead, where did you purchase and how does it hold up to sunlight?
So sorry Mnichols7138

Welcome to BYC, sorry this has to be your first post. I just built a run around my coop. TOo many Birds of Prey here. I wouldn't even mess with the netting and go to the heavy artillery.

I used welded wire. Got a great price on 200 ft. from the local True Value hardware store. Beat Lowes, Home Depot and the internet. Didn't have to pay for shipping.

Good Luck with the rest of your flock.


so sorry about Lucille...I'm in CT and we have lots of hawks....I usually stay out with them and find produce to prepare so I'm not feeling like I'm just being lazy, lol.....we have crows that start making lots of noise incase I have to run into the bathroom....I love my 4 girls and would be devastated if something got to them.....we also have a pitbull 2 houses down that always breaks free...it's like having kids again....gotta watch them....don't give up on your chicks....they are special
I'm pretty sure I got it from strombergschickens.com. It's called game farm netting and it comes in lots of sizes. I think the 25x50 ft was around $85. :)
I would think that your netting is better. the deer netting we got is super thin and plastic making it extremely lightweight. I guess I need to look into this Aviary netting. If you don't mind me asking, where did you get yours?

Sorry- I posted again with your quote so everyone would know what I was talking about :p I'm pretty sure I got the netting from strombergschickens.com. It's called game farm netting and it comes in lots of sizes. I think the 25x50 ft was around $85. :)
Thanks again everybody! So glad I found this chicken loving community :)
I've only been letting my other 3 out under supervision- they are not pleased with me about staying cooped up most of the day. I would LOVE to get a Great Pyrenees- I already checked the rescue site in our area :) My husband might kill me though- we have 3 other dogs already! I wish I could trust them around the chickens and then I would just bring everybody into my backyard! I'm also looking into possibly keeping a turkey as a flock protector. Any thoughts? Sigh- lots to think about.
Thanks again everybody! So glad I found this chicken loving community :)
I've only been letting my other 3 out under supervision- they are not pleased with me about staying cooped up most of the day. I would LOVE to get a Great Pyrenees- I already checked the rescue site in our area :) My husband might kill me though- we have 3 other dogs already! I wish I could trust them around the chickens and then I would just bring everybody into my backyard! I'm also looking into possibly keeping a turkey as a flock protector. Any thoughts? Sigh- lots to think about.
I have a friend that rescues great pyrenees. She just rehomed one I wish I could have had. But way to big for my husband! Awesome dogs!

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