Hawks :(

I feel your loss. an hour ago a hawk killed my little girls favorite chicken. I heard the noise and came runnig with my dog at my heels, just in time to see a huge hawk trying to make off with her over the fence. Now when my 6 yr old gets home from school I have to tell her what happened to miss pretty pretty. We raise these birds for eggs. My wife asked me why did you order 20 chicks and now that we are down to 14 it will make sense.
A couple of hours ago I was SECONDS too late. A hawk lazily flew away as I screamed at it, and it left Luna, our 2 month old SL Wyandotte. It just shredded her head and left everything else. The worst part is that we had a hawk a few weeks ago that noticed my chickens, but haven't seen it since, so let out gaurd down. We even have avian netting in the garage that we just havent put up yet. Thankfully we have six chickens left, and each child STILL has their "own" chicken (even though they all love them all). Like Ande we, were in the chicken game for the fun of it, not just to get eggs. I'm going to wait to tell the kids we lost one until my husband gets home. Is it normal for the hawk to leave everything behind, did it do so because I interrupted it? The ladies have a table, two chairs, a huge coop and two shrubs in the run, this guy must have been pretty good to nab Luna.
the hawk that killed mine, came back within the hour looking for the dead bird left behind. of course I had already taken care to make sure the hawk would not get it or any of the others.
I grabbed the other girls and locked them in the coop, but left Luna out. Partly because I don't think I can stomach it, and partly bc I am hoping the stupid jerk hawk will come back and carry her away so we don't HAVE to deal with it. Now we will have to go back to only supervised outdoor time. We have to put up the large gauge wire, avian netting and web of fishing line soon. Hopefully if we are tight with it the hawks will bounce off nect time they try. Here is are a couple of pics of the space we are going to have to fortify. The tree should help serve as a base for all this...stuff.

Please ignore the leaves...my husband has!
Thanks for support and advice BYC Peeps :)
You have several options. Keep securing, securing, securing.....or deal with the killer.

It's funny that folks recognize the right to kill an intruder in your home, but act as though you should stand by helplessly when a hawk kills your chickens.
Thanks again everybody! So glad I found this chicken loving community :)
I've only been letting my other 3 out under supervision- they are not pleased with me about staying cooped up most of the day. I would LOVE to get a Great Pyrenees- I already checked the rescue site in our area :) My husband might kill me though- we have 3 other dogs already! I wish I could trust them around the chickens and then I would just bring everybody into my backyard! I'm also looking into possibly keeping a turkey as a flock protector. Any thoughts? Sigh- lots to think about.
Consider an English Shepherd... not as big a size commitment, a bit less hair, and a perfect LSGD. My Jackson runs in circles around the flock when he sees the crows or Hawks above. The minute he starts that,, Mr. Roo cocks his head sideways,, and sounds his alarm, and the ladies go running. Jack hates crows.. HATES them.. barks like nuts if he sees them land, and he is inside with me..
I have a video of him running looking up at them.. I will try to find it and post it.. here is a picture of Jack.I think ES's are the perfect LSGD. Also very protccetive of the family, and "his" children.
You have several options. Keep securing, securing, securing.....or deal with the killer.

It's funny that folks recognize the right to kill an intruder in your home, but act as though you should stand by helplessly when a hawk kills your chickens.
How would I deal with the hawk? The shoe I threw at it (if it is the same one) a few weeks ago didn't work :( Is it safe to assume that it is the same one? We dont see them very often...
How would I deal with the hawk? The shoe I threw at it (if it is the same one) a few weeks ago didn't work :( Is it safe to assume that it is the same one? We dont see them very often...
You didn't say what type of shoe you threw. I 'spect a direct hit with a horseshoe would do the trick.
We have ALOT of hawks around here where I live...I free range all day and have been for several months. I have not lost a chicken yet. I know there are great risks taken to let them range. My chickens LOVE being out and free doing what chickens do....I love to watch them range and be free....if I penned them up I don't believe they would be very happy. Do you have a rooster? I don't believe my rooster would provide complete safety, however he does seem to be more intellegent than the hens and sounds the alarm and the hens hide. He always keeps a watchful eye out for hawks. For me it is about the quality of life not the quantity. If something happens I will have to accept it as part of raising chickens. You can only do so much and then let nature take it's course. Sounds like you have done what you can to provide safety. I am sorry for your loss...it is not your fault it is the nature of raising and keeping livestock low on the food chain.
****! I need to start keeping those on the back porch along with our useless rubber chicken boots!! In all seriousness- I need some help. If there is a way to message me for more detailed advice, please do. I understand that certain methods need not be publicly promoted...

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