hay fever?

Allergic reaction, usually to pollen in the air. Causes asthma-like symptoms, including coughing, shortness of breath, and a tightening sensation in the throat that can lead to choking. I go through it every spring. Other signs include itchy, watery eyes and sneezing.
oh Dave,
You dont even wanna know. Its a bit like having a cold you cant get over, only without the body aches.

Its a severe allergy to usually some type of pollen in the air, and your eyes hurt, itch, and tear up, your nose runs constantly, its like having a nonstop feather tickling your nose that you cant get away from, so your sneezing constantly as well. I cant go ANYwhere without a kleenex box. Nothing really alleviates it, you can pop allergy meds, but all they really do is make you sleep thru it.
Mine started about 6 days ago already and no end is sight!

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