He Hates Shoes!


In the Brooder
Mar 26, 2017
My African gander hates shoes and pant legs. I love him, but boy is it irritating to try and work when you have a goose angrily chewing on your sneakers.
(I know he does it because he's a mean little gander, but I can't take him seriously)

Do any of you have geese that hate weird things too? LOL
All my geese have had weird issues with shoes, my present goose is no exception.

I've been trying to figure out what's going on in her little head. If we meet people with brightly colored or shiny/sparkly footwear, I really have to keep an eye on her. Sooner or later she'll try to attack. She'll make her threatening neck pose, run to the shoe, and rub her chin and neck on the ankle. Funny thing is, it's NOT the person. If they take their shoe off and give it to her, she'll play with it and/or gnaw it and ignore the person. Usually she'll end up sitting down on part of the shoe.

It doesn't matter what kind of shoe it is: boots, rubber boots, sandals, clogs, slippers, they all get the same treatment. I'm actually impressed with her ability to recognize and classify footwear. Once, we encountered a pair of abandoned slippers at a construction site. She'd never seen that kind of slippers before, and there was no context to clue her in. But she instantly ran to them, chewed them, talked to them, and threw them around for a couple of minutes, before she settled down on one and kept caressing and chewing the other one.

I can't figure out what the deal is. But geese seem to be attracted to footwear.

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