He needs a name.........


10 Years
Jun 6, 2009
S.E Ind
Well once again word was got out that we take in strays. This fella came to us about a week and a half ago. I still have to take him to my friend's house so he can be scanned in case he has a chip. If he doesn't then I will be getting him neutered, vaccinated, wormed, heartworm tested and then adopted out. To date he remains nameless ( I didn't want the kids to get too attached) although we have a few ideas. What does he look like to you? My kids have been calling him Beagle Boy but I would rather have something short but fitting. He is as sweet as they come. The first few nights he slept in the tent with my son. He does have a blind eye but gets along very nicely. He loves to be held like a baby and loves to go for rides. If I didn't have such territorial inside dogs we would keep him as he is no trouble at all except for when it's bedtime and he howls most of the night b/c he wants to be with us.


Trooper, Tracker, Trace, Jax, Jet, Rex, Roscoe, Billy, Socks, Brady, Banjo, Bugle Boy..................

Just some ideas from me and my two little ones! I didn't put all their ideas, like chainsaw and chocolate!
Good names so far! I'm going to have his eye checked out as well when we take him. Sometimes they can fix cataracts and sometimes they can't.

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