Head gesture which im not sure what it means

Your ducks are lovely! The one makign the noise and nodding her head up and down sounds and behaves just like my son's very noisy and very bossy pekin female. She behaves like that with the drake when he mates the other pekin female, or even if he just looks at the other pekin female. So quite normal duck behavior
Thank you! So from what I gather, it must be some sort of request for attention. That's so cute 😆
Oh gosh that makes lots of sense. My girl Kimmy does this a lot towards other ducks and towards people especially, as well as plushies (she comes to hang out on the couch occasionally). Thank you so much for the info! I was really confused about this head gesture for a while.
I just giggle when I see my daisy do it
She is a pekin and not usually to vocal
Unless you pick her up then put her down she will run right to her drake and beep about how I picked her up 😂
But after watching my Swedish girls do this head thing now she does it all the time along with her 7 offspring who also never did this until the Swedish started
ducks are truly very entertaining to watch
Last year when I only had the 2 daisy was sitting on eggs and poor peep was bored so I would bring him up to the couch to watch tv with me
I even took him for truck rides
Once to Dairy Queen
The workers were all in aww over this duck 😆
They all had to come to the window to check him out
I just giggle when I see my daisy do it
She is a pekin and not usually to vocal
Unless you pick her up then put her down she will run right to her drake and beep about how I picked her up 😂
But after watching my Swedish girls do this head thing now she does it all the time along with her 7 offspring who also never did this until the Swedish started
ducks are truly very entertaining to watch
Last year when I only had the 2 daisy was sitting on eggs and poor peep was bored so I would bring him up to the couch to watch tv with me
I even took him for truck rides
Once to Dairy Queen
The workers were all in aww over this duck 😆
They all had to come to the window to check him out
Oh my goodnesss that adorable!!! 🥺💕
My pekin mix female, Sherby, is VERY vocal, the most vocal of them all actually, so I can't relate to this part 😆
But the girl in the video, Jazz, is so much like your little one. She's the sweetest little baby, always close to her best friend and rarely making a fuss. The fact that she started doing the head bob after watching Kimmy do it, was so surprising to me for that reason!

Kimmy was alone for a while when I first got her, so she'd spend a lot of time with us in the house. She's not a fan of car rides, but she loves to sit on people's shoulders like a chicken. And she especially loves to sit on my boyfriend's shoulder to preen him, and will beg and bite his clothes until he lets her go up. 🤣
Oh my goodnesss that adorable!!! 🥺💕
My pekin mix female, Sherby, is VERY vocal, the most vocal of them all actually, so I can't relate to this part 😆
But the girl in the video, Jazz, is so much like your little one. She's the sweetest little baby, always close to her best friend and rarely making a fuss. The fact that she started doing the head bob after watching Kimmy do it, was so surprising to me for that reason!

Kimmy was alone for a while when I first got her, so she'd spend a lot of time with us in the house. She's not a fan of car rides, but she loves to sit on people's shoulders like a chicken. And she especially loves to sit on my boyfriend's shoulder to preen him, and will beg and bite his clothes until he lets her go up. 🤣
Love that !!

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