Head injuries arn't always fatal


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 19, 2009
We had a terrible thing happen, but it is ending happily! Our BWP chickens have always gotten peck on their little heads. I guess those beautiful puffs of feathers on their heads have always been just too much of a temptation. We came home about 6 days ago to find one of our babies with a actual hole pecked into her skull. Thru the bone and into soft tissue. She was standing against the fence, as if in shock (which I guess she was). We picked her up and she was alert and ate some corn from our hand. We seperated her and her 2 sisters, and doctored her with Dermaplast and "purple" vets antiseptic. She is now back to her old self! We are still doctoring her but she is back to her same sweet self. So, don't always think a injury is fatal, because chickens are amazing creatures.

BTW our little polish girls have a nice new coop all to themselves!
sorry about the pecking
, but im glad shes better
. i can see how polish heads are tempting. my barred rocks eat their own feathers.

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