Health officer said my chickens must go....My kids are very upset!!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 3, 2009
The Garden State
Just had a meeting with the health officer, he said we are not in compliance with codes in our town. The problem is they are making the codes say what they want them to. They are really being unfair and almost prejudice....we then said we will fight to change the code and he said he's on the council and he said he would NEVER allow the code to be changed. What a jerk.

Can anyone help PLEEEEAAAASSSE
Most code changes require a majority vote of the proper governing body so even if this fellow is very much opposed, if you could sway the majority of the others his dissent could end up not mattering.
He is also only one vote. Makes me so dang mad when someone on a board of any kind acts like "they and they alone" make the rules. You may want to politely remind him this is a democracy we live in . . .good luck!!!
Maybe you could write a nice letter to the other council members explaining your situation and the benefits of having your own chickens, as well as how attached your children are to them. It wouldn't hurt to try.
The health officer is on the council? And he says "he wouldn't change" so he has forgotten he is a public servant on two fronts? Get a petition and fight it and let people know that he feels it is his to change.
I am going through the same thing with my children. Depending on your code there may be a way around it, if not you may have to try to change the ordinance. We began our fight in Oct 2008 and are still fighting, our council however is very stubborn and but is willing to revisit the issue, in the mean time however we must comply and remove our hens. I have found that if you do choose to fight be prepared !! A great way to start is with a petition and suggested text changes to your ordinance, I wish you the best of luck and please let me know if I can be of any help.

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