healthy chick making a different kind of sound than the other chicks


Mar 14, 2024
New Braunfels, TX
I have 6 easter eggers that are three weeks old and doing fantastic. I'm so proud of them! (And me because these are my first chickens!) They all peep away happily all day long. But one of them doesn't make the usual peeping sound. I noticed it occasionally starting around 2 weeks, but now it's the only sound she makes. It's sounds more like a scratchy chirp than a peep. She has no trouble breathing and I have no concerns for her in any other way. She uses it just like a regular peep, so I can tell when she's happy and chatting and when she's in distress. But I've tried googling why she makes this sound and I can't find any descriptions of chicks making different sounds like this. I just want to make sure it's okay and nothing to worry about. Or what to do if I should be worrying about it. I got a video so you can hear. The other chicks are peeping in the background, but you can hear her chirping. Anyone had a chick make this sound?
I wouldn't worry too much about it, some chickens are just different. My hen Thyme has made a honking sound since she stopped peeping. She is otherwise healthy and normal. As long as she isn't showing other signs of being sick I'd just chalk it up to having a unique bird
I have 6 easter eggers that are three weeks old and doing fantastic. I'm so proud of them! (And me because these are my first chickens!) They all peep away happily all day long. But one of them doesn't make the usual peeping sound. I noticed it occasionally starting around 2 weeks, but now it's the only sound she makes. It's sounds more like a scratchy chirp than a peep. She has no trouble breathing and I have no concerns for her in any other way. She uses it just like a regular peep, so I can tell when she's happy and chatting and when she's in distress. But I've tried googling why she makes this sound and I can't find any descriptions of chicks making different sounds like this. I just want to make sure it's okay and nothing to worry about. Or what to do if I should be worrying about it. I got a video so you can hear. The other chicks are peeping in the background, but you can hear her chirping. Anyone had a chick make this sound?
I’ve got a bantam that sounds like a crow cawing, we love it.
Unless some other sign of distress shows up we would just chalk it up to your hen being unique.
Funny, I too have an Easter egger at 4 weeks that sounds raspier than the other 2. She’s otherwise just as healthy so I’m going to chalk it up to her being different. I actually love the way she sounds, fits her sweet personality very well. She seems to be at the bottom of the pecking order so maybe that’s part of it? Or is she at the bottom because her voice is so soft?? Who knows!
Funny, I too have an Easter egger at 4 weeks that sounds raspier than the other 2. She’s otherwise just as healthy so I’m going to chalk it up to her being different. I actually love the way she sounds, fits her sweet personality very well. She seems to be at the bottom of the pecking order so maybe that’s part of it? Or is she at the bottom because her voice is so soft?? Who knows!
Nah, I doubt it's related to the pecking order as my honking hen Thyme is the top bird in the flock, which is surprising since she was actually the runt for a while there


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I have 6 easter eggers that are three weeks old and doing fantastic. I'm so proud of them! (And me because these are my first chickens!) They all peep away happily all day long. But one of them doesn't make the usual peeping sound. I noticed it occasionally starting around 2 weeks, but now it's the only sound she makes. It's sounds more like a scratchy chirp than a peep. She has no trouble breathing and I have no concerns for her in any other way. She uses it just like a regular peep, so I can tell when she's happy and chatting and when she's in distress. But I've tried googling why she makes this sound and I can't find any descriptions of chicks making different sounds like this. I just want to make sure it's okay and nothing to worry about. Or what to do if I should be worrying about it. I got a video so you can hear. The other chicks are peeping in the background, but you can hear her chirping. Anyone had a chick make this sound?
Hey there,
We just got chickens for the first time too and we have this olive egger that chirps like she’s in distress at first I was thinking something was wrong. But she’s happy and healthy, she is the smallest out of our 5 pellets. I take it as she wants to be heard. We have a chatty bunch.

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