Hearts and Hoofprints Equestrian Center - RolePlay

It was time for the horses to be worked.

Tracy skipped out of the barn and went to her palomino horse, Gold Rush. Gold nickered a welcome to her. Tracy approached him, then slipped his halter and lead on.
Tracy put on Gold's english bridle reins and saddle. Then she went and got her helmet and riding boots. She mounted up.
Dakota haltered up Eagle to practice in the arena.
Cobalt patted Glassy, the mare Dakota was letting him ride. She tossed her head playfully.
Flame grazed beside Whisper in the pasture.
Ghost looked out at Eagle. He wanted to go riding.
She then got her helmet and boots. She decided to un-tack Moon. She the put his halter on and attached his lead rope to the saddle horn on Berry. " this way I can work two horses at once"

She didnt ride Berry just yet, but lead her into the arena. She hopped on Berry and un tied Moon's lead rope and held it in her hand
Mya looked up as Wendy walked In the pasture. Wendy happily haltered Sassy and led her into the barn to tack her up. Mya whinnied loudly to go with, but Wendy ignored her. She would work her later, but now she was doing Sassy
Tracy rode Gold into the corral, where jumps were set up. First they trotted around, warming up. Then Gold Rush soared over one of the barrels.

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