HEAT! 100+ how to cool em down

Louisiana here.
I would recommend a lot of cover.
I know it was real hot here and hard to keep the house a good temp, until the cypress trees got big, so what is good for us, is good for them too. Plant them some palmetta or bananna trees.....something that will grow fast and give them a bit of shade.
I'm not sure if this would work for you with the humidity....... we use the small individual misters (found at our local Ace Hardware or Home Depot) in one end of our run and the chickens love to go stand under it and even play under it and cool off. Here is a pix of what we use......
my neighbor planted bamboo in the 30 sq ft corner behind his coop, and in 3 months he had some real nice shade. he ended up just wiring off that area to extend their run - the bamboo provides plenty of hawk cover. He planted one every 2 feet and its great in that canopy, at least 10 degrees cooler if not more!
Lots of shade available..
A great breeze (fans that they can choose to be near or not) - the wicked humidity is a killer - they really need lots of moving air...
In wicked heat you can freeze large jugs of water and point fans toward them for a mini AC effect.
Multiple water sources kept nice and cold (blocks of ice that take time to melt)
Frozen fruit, e.g. watermelon, that they can work on as it defrosts.
When extremely hot and you've got panting going on, electrolytes (a bit of pedialyte will do in a pinch - it can be spritzed on to real cold watermelon or added to cold water -pedialtye has to be kept refrigerated so once you add it to something it's best if that combo is consumed right away unless it can be kept cold for awhile, hence the frozen watermelon or icy water ...)
High heat is a real physical threat to chickens and many die without proper assistance but with it, you stand a good chance of getting them through...
been thinking about doing this....we have tarp over run, but it is just so dang hot and NO movement of air...
I like that Bamboo idea! My coop is already in a mostly shaded area, but there is one side that could use more shade when the sun is in the East. I even have Baboo at my other property that I could dig up and re-plant here. It grows like mad, and I'm pretty sure it's easy to transfer like that. I'll let you know.
I've read where people take kitchen trash cans (the tall ones) and stick frozen 2 liter bottles in the end with the trash cans laying on their sides for the chickens to go into. They said it creates an environment similar to an air conditioned room.

Try spraying down the roof of the coop too before it gets to hot and keep the fan running. The fan has been a life saver here the past 2 years.

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