I have 4, 1 1/2 year old Buff Orpingtons. We live in Salt Lake City and this winter is a cold one. WAY colder then the past couple years. Lately the nights have dropped to 6-10 degrees. Tonight it is suppose to drop to 19 degrees. On top of all this, I noticed 2 of my hens have decided now is the time to molt! One hen has a bare bum!
We have not put a heat lamp out there because I have read on here that they catch fire, explode or the chickens won't adjust to the temperatures well. I went today to the farm store for hay and chicken feed and I asked an employee what I should do and she said to get a lamp since they are molting and how cold it has been. So I bought one.
What I did was set outside of their coop and on the run where they walk out. The lamp is covered and is over their food and water. It's about 4 feet from the ground. I hope this is the right decision!
What else are people doing this winter?
I am hoping to get a timer on it so it turns on about 5 am so when they wake up they walk out to a little bit of warmth.
Thoughts and opinions are appreciated!!!
I have 4, 1 1/2 year old Buff Orpingtons. We live in Salt Lake City and this winter is a cold one. WAY colder then the past couple years. Lately the nights have dropped to 6-10 degrees. Tonight it is suppose to drop to 19 degrees. On top of all this, I noticed 2 of my hens have decided now is the time to molt! One hen has a bare bum!
We have not put a heat lamp out there because I have read on here that they catch fire, explode or the chickens won't adjust to the temperatures well. I went today to the farm store for hay and chicken feed and I asked an employee what I should do and she said to get a lamp since they are molting and how cold it has been. So I bought one.
What I did was set outside of their coop and on the run where they walk out. The lamp is covered and is over their food and water. It's about 4 feet from the ground. I hope this is the right decision!
What else are people doing this winter?
I am hoping to get a timer on it so it turns on about 5 am so when they wake up they walk out to a little bit of warmth.
Thoughts and opinions are appreciated!!!