Heat! Should we wait to put chicks in coop?


Jun 10, 2022
We just finished the coop and run and were hoping to put the chicks out in the coop.
However, we are supposed to have temps near 100 on Tuesday & Wednesday. I’m thinking that would be a shock from coming from a 60 degree basement? Should we wait until the temps are 80-90 later in the week? I mean I know it’s summer and they have to deal with heat but is that too hot?
So you haven’t had yours outside yet?
Mine are outside. Im saying that i havr done everything to prevent them from getting heat stress. Try to put yours out when it is cooler. And here are some tips for keeping them cool.
- provide plentynof fresh clean cool water
-provide plenty of shade
-provide alot of spaces for them to dist bathe
- and on really hot days give them electrolytes only once a week.
- i give mine watermelon, cantaloupe rinds to.
-im trying frozen fruits and veggies this week so hopefully it helps.

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