Heating lamp in coop

Morning, I am from western ny also. I am not sure what breed you have, i have RIR and i got them for 3 reasons, eggs, meat and they are very sturdy for the cold we get and the wind i get out here in Riga where its pretty open. I turn the heat lamp on only when it gets below 15 with wind chill and its only on maybe 4 hrs. and first thing in the morning it is turned back on for 2 hrs if it still that cold. I do it more because it helps keep the water from freezing. I did not turn it on last night wasn't that cold for them. My husband on the other hand would love to have it on all the time for them thinks they will freeze but the coup is insulated so that helps alot also when put wood shavings 5 in thick on floor and we give them hay also once a week. My view is they are not pets but i need them to stay alive. You will know when yours are cold and need the heat on, but you should also do what you think is best for yours.
The box says heat lamp bulb and sure puts off a lot of heat! I'll try moving it over so that it isn't directly aimed at the roost and perhaps they will settle in. I turned it off last night and this morning they are just as chipper as ever. I know they are probably fine without because the hen house is solid without drafts, but it is peace of mind for me.
Thanks all for the info.
Ours lamp is hanging from roof of coup. But the chickens still need fresh air beside a bit a heat. On days when it not snowing or raining i open the windows and keep back hatch open. the top of our coup is an old truck cap.
I use a red lamp, and sure the chickens are up all night, but it's only once in a while when it's super-cold, so I don't really see the problem.

That said, I think I'm going to switch to a ceramic lamp this week. Or maybe add one -- it's supposed to be -8 and my chickens (and their owner) are not used to that!
I live where it's pretty darned cold and the 100 watt ceramic didn't do much. But I got a 250 watt ceramic off ebay and couldn't be happier. It was about 50% of retail buying it that way. The pet stores here in the Twin Cities don't carry that size of bulb.
so what is a proper wattage for a chicken coop? i have 4 chickens that roost at night in a 3' x 3' space with about 3' above their heads....i don't want to fry them! i have a 120v red light in their right now but i think i will go get a ceramic one at your suggestion...just not sure of the wattage is all...120? thanks for your help!
so what is a proper wattage for a chicken coop? i have 4 chickens that roost at night in a 3' x 3' space with about 3' above their heads....i don't want to fry them! i have a 120v red light in their right now but i think i will go get a ceramic one at your suggestion...just not sure of the wattage is all...120? thanks for your help!
In that samll of a space I wouldn't have a heat lamp at all. Their body heat will warm it right up, it even sounds cramped to me. Do you have good ventillation? 4 birds in that small a space can make a lot of condensation and moisture is much more of a threat than cold temps.

My birds have no heat and the coop is not insulated. I don't have what I consider extreme temps but it gets in the low teens as a matter of course.

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