HeavensHens88's Chat Thread!

I'm gonna check it out!
So my dream from last night: (P.S. EVERYTHING IN ITALICS IS MY DREAM)
I wake up and turn on my phone. It's April 19th, 2016, and 8 AM. I assume Mom went to work at 5 AM so she could be back here by 9 AM to pick me up so she can take to volunteer training for the therapeutic riding farm. I log onto BYC quickly and roll out of bed. I get dressed and head outside to the chicken coop, noting the looming thunderstorm. As I approach the chicken coop, my heart drops as I see the door is open. I race up to it-

The latch on the door is completely busted off.

And the door is absolutely demolished.

I walk in to an absolute horror scene. Every single one of my chickens is dead, blood pooling from innumerable wounds. There's claw marks absolutely everywhere.

And in the midst of it all is a massive black bear.

It's sitting with its back turned to me, Hannah clutched in its paws as it mercilessly ripped her feathers off.

I left my phone in the house. As I did my gun.

I begin to back away, intending to go get my gun and finish this creature off. I'm so utterly enraged I'm not even crying.

Then my dog bolts into the coop and barrels into the bear, snarling furiously. The bear gets up and smacks her with a massive paw, sending her clear across the coop. Muffin lays there, completely stunned and bleeding from a moderate wound. The bear gets up and towers over her, ready to finish her off.

No way am I watching my dog die. I dart over to her, flinging a shovel at the bear that I grabbed from the corner of the coop. As the bear flinched away, I grab Muffin and prepare to leap out the coop window, praying that the plexiglass would break.

The bear's paw smashes into the side of my face. Pain erupts like wildfire and I crumple to the ground, my vision almost completely obscured by blood. I slink away, reaching for Muffin. There's absolutely no one around who could even hear me scream. I hear a snarl, then a pained yelp, then ominous silence.

I press myself up against the wall, unable to see anything.

The bear's claws rip across my throat and I fall to the ground again, sputtering in a death scream. All I tasted and saw was blood. My vision went white, then red, then completely black.~


I woke up screaming and sobbing. My entire face was bloody- the result of me bashing my nose against my bed's headboard and giving myself a nosebleed. Mom was actually gone- she did go to work at 5 to be back by 9. And I woke up at 8:17 AM. :oops:
The Freaky Things About This Dream:

1. Everything was believable.

In my dream, I saw the date on my phone. My mom would've been at work this morning before she took me to volunteer training. There was no fantasy or surrealism whatsoever.

2. I died.

Whenever I have that falling dream or some other fatal element, I always wake up before I actually die. In this dream, I comprehended dying.

3. I remembered it completely when I woke up. It was so vivid I could recall every detail.

Wow! I bet that was intense! I recently had a dream I was running from some really, bad guys. I woke up panting and sobbing. Which of course doesn't compare to the intensity of your dream. Just wow! I don't think I actually died in a dream, at least I don't think so.... :oops:

It was indeed intense. :oops: And I usually am not able to recollect my dreams often... :idunno
I wonder what we would remember if we wesd able ti recall every dreamcc we had. :eek:
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Freaky dreams guys.... What's bad is I'm pretty sure I died in my dream last night also. Or woke up abruptly just before. I hardly remember it. It was a jumble of things and quite confusing.

I think our minds are all connected. :th
Or we're advanced telepathics. :lol:
What was the sream about?
Ignore my spelking errors- my cthumb's nervd was pincjed. :tongue
Wow! I bet that was intense! I recently had a dream I was running from some really, bad guys. I woke up panting and sobbing. Which of course doesn't compare to the intensity of your dream. Just wow! I don't think I actually died in a dream, at least I don't think so.... :oops:

I had a dream once where I had to be killed and my parents were okay with it.... it was pretty scary.

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