HeavensHens88's Chat Thread!


It's about albinos like NZs I can't seem to find anything on whether they carry color genes and hide them or not. :confused: I was trying to figure out if all the colors in Hamada's litter were from him only or a combination of him and genes Granny carries but hides

You're gonna kill me for this....
But what question? :oops:
Okay, so all Albinos carry the CC gene, which is complete color- therefore, whatever dominant color their parentage has, whether it be Albino or some other impenetrable solid, when bred to others of the same pure and correct color, all other pigments are fully masked in the entire line. But the color coding is forever there, just completely dormant as so long as the animals are only bred to that of its same color.
But if you, say, breed an Albino to some other color or breed, these colors can very well surface. ;)

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