Hector's World: Adventures and Mayhem at Mountain View Poultry (or Sequel to The Evolution of Atlas

Temperatures do go too low here to stop frostbite on the big combs. I know I should keep smaller combed breeds but most are ugly to me. I tried a few Wyandotte roosters but all were as dumb as a box of rocks. I like my Orpington and barnevelder roosters along with my little cochins and d'uccle. I did try a bantam Easter egger this year. He is adorable and so far behaving himself, but he went to the big breed shed, so gotta behave yourself out there.
You should try some Brahmas. At least, Bash is super smart. I can't make a claim for any other lines of Brahmas. But, I do tend to like the single combed roosters overall. Never had a Wyandotte rooster. We both adored little Xander. Huge honking comb for a little guy, but his big hens kept him warm sitting between them.
I actually think Brahma are kinda ugly, but yours are better looking for some reason, maybe the color or the big feet feathers? I had a bantam Brahma and I didn't like him at all. He started to fight with the other roosters from his group when I had to separate them out. He was out to kill. My bantam cochins fight, but they eventually stop.

As far as Bash I swear he's as tall as me. :) He's like the ostrich of chickens.
I actually think Brahma are kinda ugly, but yours are better looking for some reason, maybe the color or the big feet feathers? I had a bantam Brahma and I didn't like him at all. He started to fight with the other roosters from his group when I had to separate them out. He was out to kill. My bantam cochins fight, but they eventually stop.

As far as Bash I swear he's as tall as me. :) He's like the ostrich of chickens.

I don't know how the bantam Brahmas compare in looks. I think the beetle brow on them can give them a very stern look, but Bash has very kind eyes. B.J. has that very stern, almost cranky, look to her. I think you almost have to see them in person. I used to think that Russian Orloffs were a little ugly. Then, I saw a trio at the feed store and realized that photos just didn't do them justice. They were handsome birds and I didn't expect that.
She did it! Just short of 23 weeks old. Good girl, Jane!
My most awesome husband has completed my drop-in table for my new sewing machine, after months and months of it sitting on the porch with a hole in it. He revved up his resolve and now look! I so appreciate what he does for me. It turned out beautifully! Even a cheapie table with an acrylic insert to fill in the empty space for my machine is at least $300. This small, solid wood 30x50 dining table cost $80, plus some extra wood for the shelf and some hardware, plus sweat equity and an aching back, poor man. I removed the legs from that acrylic table and it sits on there perfectly. Now, no more quilts catching on the corners of that table. Should be smooth sailing!

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