Hello, again.


5 Years
Feb 11, 2014
Hello! I made another introduction a year or two ago. I used to live in Costa Rica, and was in the process of finishing our coop when we had some unfortunate news and we where forced to move back to South Dakota. But we are finally ready to get more. In our City, we are allowed up to 6 hens. Do any of you have any recommendations on a coop for a suburban environment, perhaps an all in one? Also, we are looking for chickens that are tame, good pets, and it would be nice if they where good layers. We are looking into silkie bantams. Any recommendations? Thank you in advance!
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. OrganicFarmWife has given you a good link regarding coops. Chicken breeds that have a well deserved reputation for being calm and gentle (good lap pets) and good layers as well include Australorps, Orpingtons, Brahmas, Sussex, and Faverolles. Of course there can always be an exception with any breed. If high egg production is a priority, Australorps are the best layers on this list. Please feel free to ask any other questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.
Silkies are docile and a favorite with kids. They are not good layers however. You may want to post on the "Silkie thread," and learn more about them. They are also extremely difficult to sex before 4-5 mos. and sometime snot till they lay or crow. If you buy young chicks, you stand a good chance of having a majority of males.

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