Hello All, A bit about me.


Sep 11, 2015
I live in Clinton on a small family farm on Whidbey Island. I have chickens and ducks currently, eventually I would like a Trio of goats. I have 4 Chicken flocks and 1 Duck flock. In my "A Standard flock" I have an Americana Rooster (Focker) and 13 hens. The hens are as follows 1 Rhode Island Red (Cherry), 1 Black Copper Maran (Anita), 1 Buff Orpington (Buffy), 1 Speckled Sussex (Little Mama), 1 Welsummer (Splitbeak), 1 Lakenvelder (Bernadette), 1 Jersey Giant (Jersey), 1 Lakenvelder X Americana (Bessy), 1 Rhode Island Red X Americana (Ruby), 1 Black Copper Maran X Americana (Silvia), 1 Welsummer X Americana (Tina), 2 Speckled Sussex X Americana (Topaz). In my "B Standard flock" I currently only have two hens 1 Black Copper Maran (Kora), 1 Speckled Sussex (Honey) I am currently collecting a few hens to give a Rooster I plan on keeping from my new hatch of chicks. Neither Kora nor Honey get along with the rest of the "Big flock". In my "A Bantam" flock, I have a Dark Blue Silkie Rooster (Percy), a Frizzle Red and Dark Blue hen (Ms. Frizz), and her 4 Black Molted Smooth Sister hens. In my "B Bantam" flock I have 1 juvenile Frizzle Red and Light Blue Splash Rooster (Spunk), His juvenile Calico Smooth brother Rooster (Spark), Bantam Rhode Island Red cross Lavender Silkie Smooth red color hen (Lucy), Bantam Rhode Island Red cross Lavender Silkie Smooth Cream Red Splash color hen (Lilly), Dark Blue Silkie hen (Percette). In my "Duck Flock" I have a small duck Flock of 7 friendly ducks. I have an Swedish mix drake (Doc), 2 Rouen hens(Shy & Braze), 1 Khaki Campbell hen, 1 Ancona drake (Darwin), 1 Indian Runner. 1 Welsh Harlequin drake My name is Betta, my email is [email protected]

You have quite an assortment of poultry!

Thanks for joining us, it's nice to have you here

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