Hello All! I'm a newbie from the Western NC mountains


9 Years
Feb 23, 2010
Pleasant Shade, TN
Hello everyone I'm Shelly ...

I have been reading BYC for a few days now, and LOVE every ones pictures and helpful advice. So I thought it was time to join myself and meet some fellow enthusiasts.

I am completely new to raising chickens and have sooooooooo many questions. I like up in the Western NC mountains (by the Roan mountain) , with my SO and 17 year old son (we have no other pets), and I really want to share my land and time with some good natured chickens. So far I haven't bought any yet. But I have been reading every one's posts on raising new chickens and building coops to get prepared.

Yesterday I built a nesting box (with four nesting areas) to get started - with scrap wood we had. I already have a huge aquarium , heat lamps and thermometers that I figured could be used as a brooder. So, now I just need to decide which breed of chicken I would like and how to keep them safe and healthy. I was thinking a quite docile breed like the buff Orpington might be a good start.

Thank you BYC and members for such a great and active site! I'm so excited to get started *smile*
Hi Shelly! Wow, you're from God's country! How lucky is that? Its just so beautiful up there.
from S. Florida! Its great to have you here with us! You'll just love owning chickens! Enjoy!
Hey Shelly,
I'm john way down the hills in the Piedmont (Kernersville)
Welcome! You'll love the folks and their posts here at BYC.
2 years ago I got 4 RSL pullets and loved them, they made us laugh and gave us great eggs. my coop setup didn't really merit the birds wintering over, and at the time my schedule and cash flow didn't allow for a better fixture....so I gave them to a friend......missed them terribly. So this winter I've built a really nice permanant coop that will soon have a completed run. I moved some pre-bought 17 week old pullets in last friday and am excited about there health and happiness in the new coop. All my design concepts on the coop where generated from this site.
Your doing it right IMO by researching what to do and what not to do.
When I decided to get back into laying hens my goal was to make things user freindly for the birds and me. So far so good
Thank you every one!!!

I am so addicted to this site already ... I keep looking forward to reading the new posts and learning. The 'coop' design and build is next on my todo list and then finally ordering the cute chicks.

I can't decide which is best - order day olds from an online hatchery or order week olds from craigslist people within a drive from me. The whole chicks in the mail thing worries me, I'd hate to see any die in the shipping. It would break my heart instantly. Not to mention I am not quite ready for 15 chickens at once. Though the upside of online ordering is I could get the exact breeds I want (Orpington, Sussex and Plymouth rock - I'm thinking). Any one have an input on this?

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