Hello All! Just saying hello and introducing myself!


In the Brooder
Mar 12, 2022
(1) I am a brand new chicken mama! We relocated from California to Georgia and our best friends have had chickens for over five years and we decided it was our time!

(2) We currently have ten baby chicks. We bought nine originally and one passed and then a week later we added two more babies!

(3) Our one week old chicks are Buff Orpingtons, Plymouth Barred Rocks and Golden Comets (also known as red sex link and a couple others depending on the breeder). The new babies are Easter Eggers one Ameracauna and one Araucana.

(4) So far my favorite aspects are just the snuggly loveableness of the chicks. We started bonding with them the moment we got them home, taking a little time each day with each chick just so they get used to us and smell us and are at ease around us!

(5) Since relocating to Georgia I’ve immersed myself in gardening and getting closer to nature. It’s been a wonderful experience! I’ve got a huge garden and fruit trees and now my chickens!

(6) We are a family of five with three kids all teens and they are in love with the chickens already and are eager to hold, help and work to keep them healthy and happy!

(7) I found BYC by googling about the lump on one of the Easter Eggers chest and discovered that it’s a crop! I was able look the term up in my Chicken Encyclopedia and learn what to look for and that it was normal!


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