Hello all!


Oct 1, 2015
Hi everyone! My name is Jennifer and I began the odyssey that is raising back yard chickens last year. I work at a living history museum that is currently trying to transform into a full working living history farm and the chickens are my babies. I have 16 heritage breed Dominiquer (Dominique) chickens kept in two chicken tractors. Our chicken tractors are movable coops. We are going to build an actual chicken house with yard to house them once our tourist season has ended. I also have one girl who hurt her leg and was being picked on by the others that I moved out to a coop of her own while she heals. She is now named Roo because she began to crow after a few days. The site not only teaches people about the history of the region and the 19th century, but also preserved heritage activities, breeds, recipes, agriculture, etc. We teach the public the events that have taken place in their own back yard and show them the ways they can preserve their own history while doing for themselves.
I am a 32 year old mother of 3, received my master's degree in American Studies and have thoroughly enjoyed my move back to (mostly) country living. I finally convinced my husband of the benefits of owning our own chickens and we will be getting our own brood come spring which has me pretty excited!
Hi :welcome Jennifer

Glad you could join the flock! The living history museum sounds fantastic, working there must be a great job. Sounds like something that I would enjoy too. Wishing you the very best of luck getting the farm started and you getting a flock of your own. Do you have breeds in mind for yours?

Enjoy BYC and all the chicken chat :frow
Welcome to Back Yard Chickens !

It sounds like you have a fun job.
Hi Jennifer, welcome to BYC!

That sounds like an interesting job you have. Make yourself at home here and if you have questions be sure to ask...there are a lot of friendly and helpful members here.

Thanks for joining us!
Welcome to Backyard Chickens Jennifer, very nice to meet you. It's great when you have a job you are passionate about. Wish you continued success.

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