Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

Keeping mine all on the ground isn't an option right now, but what you say here certainly makes sense. I am wondering what you think of this idea. I recently purchased some stacking cages for some of my birds. Each pen is 30" x 42" and 33" high. Since they are built from 1" welded wire, I was going to line each cage with some sort of smooth material to protect feathers from the wire. They have linoleum covered wood floors. If I used some sort of material that the birds couldn't see through, then put the roosts up at 2 feet as you suggest, and make the lining such that they could see their neighbors when they were up on the roost, do you think this would accomplish some of the conditioning you speak of?

I'm in the process of trying to figure out just how I want to set up each pen, so I appreciate your input. I have an auto water system I ordered from GQF that I am going to use. I recently installed this in some of my LF breeder pens and I love it. Still haven't figured out what I want to use for feeders. It drives me crazy when they waste food, and my SDOE's are the MESSIEST eaters! My BBReds have much better table manners.
You could easily apply lanolium or similar material to the cage sides and floor by using 1/4 wood stapled to the wire, the smooth sides would keep from damaging the feathers and lack of clear visibility to neighboring birds will keep them moving. The birds will build muscle from the flight to the roost and scratching on the floor so I don't see why it would not work.
CJarvis-Thanks! I think that sounds about like what I will do. I have some linoleum scraps, but not enough for the project, so I may have to scrounge up some more or find some other suitable material, free, if possible, to line the cages with. I was thinking instead of using wood to tack it up I would just tie it up with zip ties.

Zip ties are my new best friend in the chicken tool box!

I keep everyone on the ground. I only use cages when I'm getting them ready for a show. Even so, they will all get time in the kennels to help with muscle tone. The birds are always flying up and down to see the neighbor.
I've got smooth panels on the bottom to block their view.
CJarvis-Thanks! I think that sounds about like what I will do. I have some linoleum scraps, but not enough for the project, so I may have to scrounge up some more or find some other suitable material, free, if possible, to line the cages with. I was thinking instead of using wood to tack it up I would just tie it up with zip ties.

Zip ties are my new best friend in the chicken tool box!

I LOVE zip-ties also.
Someone asked about the Silver Blues a week or so ago, thought I would share a Pic I took today.

And one of this years cockrells. I have a bunch of them so far and more coming every week.


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