Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

I have 3 OEGB Roos here that are not at all aggressive, a chocolate that is very tame, a self blue that isnt friendly but not aggressive, and an opal that is fairly friendly...THEN I Have a black roo that isnt necessarily aggressive but is psychotic. I am afraid he will kill himself one of these days trying to get away from me, and I had a porcelain roo that was somewhat aggressive. I think its all in how they are raised, and I have heard the blacks can tend to be a little more froggy....
I have a lemon blue that is okay around me, but hates my son. I also have a brassy back that is okay around me usually, and also hates my son. I'm sure it's partly because my son is little (5 years old), and also because my son is wild
He's constantly running through the yard, I think he does it on purpose just to scare the chickens. Most of mine will tolerate my presence....as far as handling them? That's a different story

Oh, and I say usually on the bb because he will sometimes 'charge' me, but that's only when he's hungry and I'm taking too long with the feed in his eyes
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Hummm, i got mine fully mature. I really want to show him but i don't know how i would get him from the box to the cage at the show. i guess i have to keep handling him.
Mine are broody. Took them a little while, but one just hatched out a crapload of chicks, and another is trying again (she lost her first set of chicks to a blacksnake). They make great mothers in my opinion.
They do make very good mothers. If the hens aren't too tame, they are pretty mean mamas! My little splash hen has 12 chicks right now, and she could care less if I'm around them. Now the dog?? That's a different story, poor thing
Okay, I have a few that I need color IDs on if any of you can help
I'm not sure if they are mixed or just a color I'm not familiar with

First is a little hen, she is completely black except for some reddish coloring around her neck. She has slate legs when not broody


Second is a little roo that I was told looked like a brassy back. In this pic, his saddle and hackles look gold, but they are more of a silver color.

Next is a little guy that was sold to me as a blue. I thought maybe his feathers were sunburned at the time, but if anything they have gotten lighter in color. He has slate legs as well.


Finally I have a very pretty little roo, I have no idea what color he is. He does have a typical straight comb, but it got frostbit last winter because he likes to sleep in the trees



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