Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

Hi all! I need some help. I'm new to OEs and got 4 chicks (I think BB Red, Silver Duckwing, Blue Splash and Ginger(?)). They were supposed to be sexed by a reputable hatchery but I'm worried I have 3 Roos. I'm attaching some photos from when they first hatched and now (5weeks). The three suspects are the ones with the coffee mug. What do you think?.
Hi all! I need some help. I'm new to OEs and got 4 chicks (I think BB Red, Silver Duckwing, Blue Splash and Ginger(?)). They were supposed to be sexed by a reputable hatchery but I'm worried I have 3 Roos. I'm attaching some photos from when they first hatched and now (5weeks). The three suspects are the ones with the coffee mug. What do you think?.

Oops some of the photos didn't show up, I'm sorry. Here they are when they first hatched. Thanks in advance!
Hi all! I need some help. I'm new to OEs and got 4 chicks (I think BB Red, Silver Duckwing, Blue Splash and Ginger(?)). They were supposed to be sexed by a reputable hatchery but I'm worried I have 3 Roos. I'm attaching some photos from when they first hatched and now (5weeks). The three suspects are the ones with the coffee mug. What do you think?.
What hatchery did you get them from?
Hi all! I need some help. I'm new to OEs and got 4 chicks (I think BB Red, Silver Duckwing, Blue Splash and Ginger(?)). They were supposed to be sexed by a reputable hatchery but I'm worried I have 3 Roos. I'm attaching some photos from when they first hatched and now (5weeks). The three suspects are the ones with the coffee mug. What do you think?.

BOYS. :/  What hatchery did you get them from?

x2 those are 3 little roo-lets, sorry... :/
Hey does anybody know what i can do, I want my red pyles to have a darker red in the hackle and saddle area, I'm wondering if I can breed another color in there that would accomplish that or if I would have to find some darker red pyles to breed with
I may be wrong and perhaps one of the more experienced breeders on the thread could correct me here, but I believe that Pyles are one of those varieties in which you have to have to breed separately for males or females. Something about how breeding for correctly colored individuals of one gender results in less desirably colored individuals of the other gender.
Hi, I don't know anything about Old English Bantams but I bought six assorted straight run bantams from our feed store and pu their pics up in the general breed discussion thread and some people mentioned that some of them might be Old English. All the chicks came from Ideal Hatchery so that at least narrowed down the breed possibilities. Anyway, can any of you identify whether they are indeed Old English and if so, what color?

This is Nibbles. I've been told it's a "he" and that it's a Lemon Blue OEGB.

This is "Chinchilla". He/she has been identified as a Self Blue OEGB though I was thinking maybe a D'anver...another breed I know nothing about.

This is "Mo". She/He was identified as a spangled OEGB.

This is "The black dread". Others have said that she's either a black OEGB or a Sumatra. Any thoughts?

This is Wisp. Others have said this is a Silver Blue OEGB and a male but honestly, the comb doesn't look right for a OEGB does it?

Thanks. Chinchilla is definitely not an OEGB. She's a Blue Quail Belgian D'Anver. It's amazing how fast they can change. I still don't know what color Nibbles is but he/she is definitely OEGB
My girl is 4 months old and I got her with 2 other chickens and 3 pulleys they are all 4 months old she is the only Silver Duckwing that I have. I have two questions to ask I have one rooster that is a Cochin breed and he has been doing his male thing of mounting my SDW. I'm wondering if he will hurt her. She is so little and weighs half or a pound maybe at this time.


The first picture is my SDW "little Peep" and the other is my rooster. Both are batams.

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