Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

Very pretty little birds.
I don't know a whole lot about the colors and crosses but they look like maybe a blue red cross with crele? Or maybe blue red with barred? Or possibly lemon blue crosses? Probably not an established color but I think I would hatch some of their eggs just to see if they remain true, though if there is blue in their background you will get blacks and splashes also. (I don't think I will ever figure out the blue gene).
I might even have to buy some eggs from you in spring if you would be willing to ship them.
Thanks,I originally was just rescuing them but.....
I'm in the same boat concerning the colours.
Ooops,pushed the wrong button.
As I was saying I knew nothing about oegb when I first posted. Since then I've been reading through the whole thread,starting at the beginning. Had to back-track several times and still haven't caught up to the present. Just when I think I understand something someone drops a comment or remark that changes everything.
I love Dudley's colouring but would like to darken his tail and breast,and I suspect he is a crele cross rather than barred as Wheaton is said to be in the crele history and I think his colouring looks more Wheaton than red. Minnie is Beautiful, but lemon blue are supposed to have slate/gray legs(?). Minnie seems to be a bbred cross F1(?),a surprise package.All in all I suspect they came from parts of someone's breeding program rather than a stores mix and match sales, but for what? And what would it take to see ? I have access to a pair of BBReds to but..... I don't want to muddy the waters if I don't have to.
I try to study the older pictures but many of them are gone and it makes trying to follow the comments difficult,but I keep at it.
I currently have an incubator of regular lf eggs about to hit day 18 and I had put the last 5 eggs from these three in. Two were clear and one got a blood ring with two looking like they are progressing nicely. I've been reading and taking notes in an effort to keep my hands off these past few weeks. I'll post pic's when they hatch.
Update, hatched yesterday and not sure which hen is the mom but I can guess But what does this say about dad?


6 hours

at 18 hours and it really moves.
So obviously dad has a few secrets as well.
Not sure how to unlock these puzzles.

Now 3 days old

Hmmmm, curious.

1 week old.
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Aren't those little critters just the cutest things ever!!!
Yes, this one is in a brooder with 6 regular size chicks that are 2 1/2 times it's size and it is the most active, and second most aggressive. And trills rather than chirps.
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I need your help/ input. I ordered this OE (supposed to be pullet) from MPC. She started off brown with what we called "owl eyes)



Owl eyes at about 3 weeks


4-5 weeks


6+ weeks


As you can see, heshee has changed quite a bit.

Pullet or Cockerel?
Any guess on what breeds make up Owl Eyes.

Either way this turns out, I will happy
I need your help/ input. I ordered this OE (supposed to be pullet) from MPC. She started off brown with what we called "owl eyes)



Owl eyes at about 3 weeks


4-5 weeks


6+ weeks


As you can see, heshee has changed quite a bit.

Pullet or Cockerel?
Any guess on what breeds make up Owl Eyes.

Either way this turns out, I will happy
Nice, would love to see it once grown out.Is that a chipmunk strip in the early pictures?
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I need your help/ input. I ordered this OE (supposed to be pullet) from MPC. She started off brown with what we called "owl eyes)



Owl eyes at about 3 weeks


4-5 weeks


6+ weeks


As you can see, heshee has changed quite a bit.

Pullet or Cockerel?
Any guess on what breeds make up Owl Eyes.

Either way this turns out, I will happy

Pics are too blurry for me to be sure, but looks like she kinda has muffs and a pea comb... is she supposed to be Old English or Olive Egger?
Oh, but she does look like a pullet to me...

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