Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

A few new pictures I have taken,
Blue Brood Cock and Blue Cockeral.
that first pic is gorgeous...none of mine look like that, havent gotten their tails back yet...I would like to work with blues but was told they are extremely hard to get that universal coloring right...






These are the two colors Im workin on...wouldnt mind having some blues...cant wait for mine to get their tails back in...
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The Blues are tough,I believe as with any variety you need to start with the very best brood stock that you can get.That does make getting started alot easier.I'm not saying good birds of any color come easy but this helps.The cockeral in the second picture is actually the son of the cock bird in the first picture,he's only 4 months old,I think he will be pretty good.
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ya, I have some real nice blacks I got from a good breeder, problem with chocolates are there are very few of them but I got the best I can find, and I have some awesome babies right now, I also picked up an incredible light phase fdw cockerel, and I have some very nice recessive black pullets to put with him for chocolates, and problem with self blues is there arent many good ones....people use inferior birds to try to improve them and they fail before they start...
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I've been playing with wheaton OEGB's for a few years, not long enough to actualy start building up my own lines too much unfortunately, but i do have a few nice birds.

this was my original pair that i got from a breeder/friend

a pullet that i hatched last year, she didn't want to pose for me so the pic isn't great but she's a nice bird and has done well in several shows, i'm hopeful for her future. she's looking a little rough right now though

this is a cockerel that i bought at a show this january for $10, when i got him i was planning on just using him for breeding because he wasn't a great bird, but he's kind of shaping up now and i might start trying him out at a few shows.

my original cock and one that i hatched out last year, they're both missing tails but other than that they're ok birds.
I've had to take alot of time off from showing while trying to treat scaly leg that i caught from somebody at a show, my birds aren't infected but they're legs look like crap, other than they're legs they are great birds though.
Thought I posted here, but guess not.

I'm looking for some blue or splash OEGB chicks or birds. Roosters or hens, doesn't matter. Actually, a rooster would probably be best, that way I can get more of them
I lost my only splash hen a few weeks ago, leaving me with 5 blacks (2 cockerels, 3 pullets) and 4 blues (all hens). It will take me a good while to get more splashes, provided that I get at least one blue rooster to hatch. My luck, any blues will be pullets, that's how it works with me. Whenever I need a certain sex of a certain color, all I get is the opposite.

If anyone has, or knows someone that has, blue or splash OEGB, can you point me in their direction? Thanks

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